[Congress] Economic Review and Tax Proposal

Day 493, 06:28 Published in China Indonesia by Empress Lusianna the Great

Dear congresspersons and people of China

Hi i'm Lusianna (you can call me nana). I'm a new congresswoman in china, thank you for your support. now i'm trying to work on some economic issues.

China which once had been known as a sleeping dragon in eWorld (at least i said that 😛), now..is a growing pole in the heart of Asia. Let's work now for the brightest future of glorious China.

Now i would like to review on our basic economy data:

check here http: //docs.google.com/Doc?id=dgdwnf33_95dn5krfc5

Problems and Solutions
- Many Grain and Oil Industries are not running even in resourceful Beijing
+ Protect our industries by increasing import tax on grain and oil as high as we can (99😵
- Food industries and Moving tickets still under-employment
+ supports our grain-food and oil-moving industry from other industries by except weapon industry
- Our CNY value is still too low and still few of Chinese population employed (unemployment = 29,19😵
+ decrease income tax for lower price on our high commodities: grain, food, oil and moving ticket (long term plan) to attract new employees by good economy by lower living-cost -> lower inflation -> higher CNY value

Tax Proposal
a. Import Tax: Grain and Oil to 99%
b. Income Tax : Grain and Oil to 1% ; Food and Moving Ticket to 3%
c. VAT : Food and Moving Ticket to 5%

a. To protect our grain and oil industry
b. To attract new companies and more companies to run
c. To attract more companies and citizens with condusive economy to live in

I hope my proposal to be discussed here or maybe in a congress conference before i click the proposal button, Xie Xie😁
