(Competition Entry) What Defines TCO-written by Uncorportated

Day 1,558, 22:07 Published in Canada Canada by crisfire

TCO Article Competition Entry.

What Defines TCO?

Written by Uncorporated.

I don't own a newspaper, and possibly never will. I don't write articles, and possibly never will again, untill the next competition comes along. Mainly because I have an uncanny ability to tell things they way they are with little, if not any, hidden meanings or subterfuge and let the listener decide their own opinions and actions for themselves. And that's mostly because I'm not very funny. But it has brought me great success spread across they many games that I play, which in turn has brought a horde of enemies. This is also the reason why I go by so many names. On this basis I will explain what I know of TCO and let you decide the rest.

But enough about me. I would like to say a few words, and perhaps teach anyone who is willing to learn, what TCO means to me. And it means quite a lot.

I would have quit this game months ago if it wasn't for the community. Yet my involvement in the community has always been within this MU. I prefer to observe the eCanada community with a degree of neutrality and watch as others fail, and it does amuse me so. TCO however has been quite the opposite of the political shambles that has befallen the rest of the country. Sure, we have our fair share of limited drama within our membership but it's usually called out soon enough, then we all share a LOL and a drink and move on to the next battle.

The first definition of The Crimson Order is it's lack of political affinity. To quote a fellow Crimson: We're so apolitical we made a political party about it! The Crimsonettes are from all walks of eCanada, from Mastercard toting warlords to the can't-even-feed-themselves, from the pro-Rolo marching band to the anti-Rolo-is-terrorist initiative. Politically speaking, the Crimson forums should be nothing but a flame war due to our differences, yet the opposite is true. Every Crimson member is able to see past the various stances on every issue. The ones that are unable to do so don't last very long. Perhaps this is what makes the great among us Crimsoneers truly great and makes the average member the observant. "Crimson", to me anyway, is clearly defined as such. Crimson to the end, no matter who are, what you believe, what you preach or how you act, you're still Crimson.

The second definition falls under Order. Let's take it literally: "a condition in which each thing is properly disposed with reference to other things and to its purpose; methodical or harmonious arrangement: You must try to give order to your life.". Or, more simply: Everything and everyone working together to achieve the same result. Yes, I chose one out of many interpretations. But who's article is this? Mine, that's who. There's really not much more to be said. For instance, look what Crimson's done for me. Level 29, Field Marshall, and 9 months old without spending a cent on gold. I was even captain of a regiment within a few months of joining TCO. The membership of this MU has been literally feeding me since day one and helping me grow. I can only imagine the impact on eCanada if all citizens were able to advance at the rate I have. My personal experiences alone are what I base this definition on.

Now what does TCO mean to eCanada? This can differ quite severely based on what you're trying to look at. I can only offer my own perceptions on this matter. But if the rest of eCanada's citizens could place their own views of this enation upon these previous definitions, wow, what a place this would be. Sadly, it will never work that way for the country. There are people out there that are purely unable to take that step to the next level, people that are unable to make decisions for themselves and far, far too many people that lack the ability to help the person standing next to them rise above them. There is a solution to the many issues that are delving chasms across this country, that solution is TCO. At least the definitions referred to earlier. Unfortunately, the reality is it will never be. For that reason, and these definitions, I will always remain Crimson.

Whenever I take the time to actually write something, I prefer to educate. Ans as such, I have recently found a number of short educational videos on commenting etiquette. After reading the many heated comment battles in recent media, I feel it is for the betterment of the community that these videos are seen. Here's on of my favourites: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lJu2G1dvTIU

For those that refuse to learn anything: Science. http://htwins.net/scale2/

- Uncorporated