[CoI] MU Contest recap and Announcement

Day 2,012, 14:35 Published in USA Canada by Goran Thrax

MU Contest:

First I would like to thank all of the eCanadians of every stripe who moved to CoI for the contest! You all did amazingly well, we piled on the damage as best we could. We didn't make the top 50, but we finished with a rank of 74th in the world and of course came 1st on the national level. I hope everyone stays to enjoy the triple energy bars and bazookas that our first place national ranking has made possible. You've all earned it!

I would also like to thank the MU leaders of eCanada, who made this exchange possible and supported their own members while they were away from home. This was an all eCanada effort that did amazingly well.


Many members of CoI are unaware, but Plugson one of our original leadership team and the original creator of our Daily Orders program has chosen for various reasons to retire from the game. This leaves a huge hole, in our organization and our hearts.

Because of this, our DO program is going to be restructured. The program will be shut down temporarily, for two weeks. We will be searching for at least one more member who is willing to work with klop123 to manage our most labour intensive program. We will also be switching to a once a week weapons drop to cut down the huge workload a bit.

We will also be restructuring the regiments after the MU tournament prize week is over. So expect friend requests and invites to change regiments. I am hopeful we can tighten CoI down to 5, or at most 6 regiments once our guests have returned to their home MUs.

All our other programs will remain unaffected.

So, if you are interested in joining the CoI leadership team, respond in the comments or PM me, and we'll discuss it.

Commander Goran Thrax