[CoH] Updates, Regiments and Captaincy

Day 2,278, 03:01 Published in Canada Canada by Pat Harper

Greetings fellow Heroes o/
This article is about new updates to the structure of Company of Heroes, supply updates and general things you need to know.

Captains and Regiments
We are now up to 30 members, I want to divide the numbers up into 4 manageable sectors with a captain leading each sector. The regiments will grow as the MU grows but this way I can include more of a command/supply structure.

The regiment captains will be chosen by myself, just make a comment in the MU feed about why you think you deserve the position.
- At least 4 months of playing the game
- Active
- Willing to handle out supplies to your soldiers ( I will pass them down to you)
- Willing to participate in the running and organisation of the MU
- Willing to help out young players (all costs and supplies will be supplied by myself)

Regiments will be divided equally and competitions organised between each other. (Don't worry I will make it fair - everyone Vs Connor 😛)

It is a lot of work handing out supplies and takes a lot of time, even with a small member count. With my RL job being increasingly busy, supply would be sporadic and could cause frustration - I am therefore changing the system.
Supplies will be handed out each week by myself to the captains of each regiment. The captains will then shout a rollcall via private message. They will ask a question such as 'What did you do this weekend?' and you have to respond with a picture or a short answer. This way we can create a bond within the MU between players and keep supply at a consistent flow. If a player doesn't answer rollcall his supplies will go into a regiment kitty which will be saved up and shared out between the regiment at the end of the month.

Supplies will remain at 10 Q6 tanks per day and food on request - with the update you will receive them in bulk at the end of the week as a pack of 70 Q6 tanks.

Mentors for young players

Captains will be responsible for their members however KarateWinner has volunteered to look after all the new players and get them started.

Working in the communes
This is VERY important. Working in the communes is what keeps the Military Unit alive. Tanks and food is not cheap, I will be running a No Work - NO SUPPLY rule. To get a job you must leave your current and find work under Connor MacLeod OR Prince Sheogorath.

I will be making these compulsory, it is a symbol of our identity as a unit, if you need an avatar PM me with a picture you would like bordered OR ask and I will send you a random avatar of a soldier like this:

OR you can make your own by using the PNG file

This will be taken into action soon, you will be promoted if you make it to the Tales of Valor segment of my article at the end of the week!
Default rank is private - Commanders get Max Rank - Captains are auto promoted to Captain.

Peace out Company, have a good weekend and get those Captaincy Applications in!

- Pat Harper