[CN/EN] 央行合同 Contract for eChinese Nation-owned Organizations [PBoC] Day664

Day 664, 08:05 Published in China China by People's Bank of China

PBoC 账目/PBoC records

The contract has been signed.

Contract for eChinese Nation-owned Organizations

e 中国国家组织合同 ( 中文版 )
Contract for eChinese Nation-owned Organizations (Chinese Version)

这份文件是一份具有约束力 的合同 , 在任何 e 中国国家拥有的组织 ( 下简称 “组织 Organization ” ) 的管理者们 [Managers ( 下简称 “管理者们 Managers ” ) 和组织以及 e 中国国家之间签署 的;后者 [ 也就是说国家 ] 由 eChina 总统代表。

该合同概述了法律判断 , 管理者们 [Managers 复数 ] 和代表人 [the Representative, 即总统 ] 必须在所有情况下遵守和尊 重。

一 国家拥有的组织的控制权规 则概述

1 。 无论是代表人 [the Representative] , 还是管理者们 [Managers] 都被视为组织 [Organizations] 的控制者们 [Controllers] ( 以下简称 “控制者们” ) 。 每个控制者 , 只对他被授予权使用的那个 组织负责。 国家组织帐号 原始创建者 将所有权利 移交给控制者 .

国家组织帐号以及管理者和 原始创建者分别是 :
People's Bank of eChina, http://www.erepublik.com/en/organization/1564359
Manager xingxing88 http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/1582924
Original creator Snayke http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/888371

2 。 控制者们必须互相合作 , 决不在任何与组织有关的事 件中不通知其他任何人。 控制者们应有义务在被授权 的他们之间共享组织的密码 [the passwords to the Organizations] ( 下称 “密码” ) , 以防止控制者们当中任何一 个没有密码 , 或密码已被更改。 这也包括与组织帐户关联的 电子邮件的密码。

二 针对组织的控制者们的义务 性规则概述

1 。 控制者们禁止利用他们作出 的 ( 管理组织过程中的 ) 决策制定和执行操作 [decisions and transactions ] 来为个人或者任何第三方谋 取利益。

2 。 控制者们明确禁止与任何未 经国会多数票批准通过的第 三方共享密码。

3 。 控制者们要对组织 [the Organization] 资金的任何的由于缺少安全 措施而造成的组织内部的 [with the Organization] 损失承担个人责任。

4 。 控制者从组织中转移任何物 资 , 都应当在 24 小时内张贴或更新操作记录 并附上操作理由 , 同时告知国会。

三 控制权交换的规则概述

每个控制者的职位都是一个 不断轮换的位置。 这份文件将在签署本合同的 各方之间保留法律效力 , 直到管理者 [the Manager] 希望结束这个合同 , 通过把整个合同文本复制 , 并写上 “我希望终结这个合同” ;同时代表 [the Representative] 要复制前者的放弃声明 [the resignation] 并且写上 “我同意终结这个合同并为 [ ]( 此处填上管理者的名字 ) 作证” 。 代表们 [Representatives] 可以使用相同的方法来 解除他们的前任 [ 的合同 ] 。

新的控制者们 [Controllers] 通过签订合同来获得的他们 的位置。 新的管理者们 [Managers] 由代表人 [the Representative] 自行任命 . 只有当章节中规定的程序完 成之后 , 签署了这个文件的他或者他 们才可以从他们的义务中解 脱。

组织 [the Organization] 根据对组织拥有权利的所有 者 [the Manager] 的签字来进行定义。 , 管理者 [the Manager] 拥有权利的组织 [the organization(s)] , 以及本合同所起作用的组织 的用途 [organizations' usage] , 由那个管理者所决定; [ 上述组织名称、 用途、 管理者 ] 都在签字列表中列出。 如果一个组织 没有列在签字 列表 中 , 管理者 [the Manager] 就对该组织没有权利。

1 。 一旦一个新的管理者被代表 人 [the Representative] 提名任命 , 并且新的管理者在这份合同 上签字 , 则之前的管理者就有义务立 刻地毫不拖延地移交密码给 新的管理者 , 包括密码所关联的电子邮件 地址。

2 。 一旦一个新的合法当选的代 表人 [ 也就是新当选总统 ] 签署了这项合同 , 之前的代表人 [ 也就是前任总统 ] 必须立即毫不拖延地移交密 码给新的代表人 , 包括密码所关联的电子邮件 地址。

3 。 在如下情况中:一个新的所 有者或者代表人获得了工作 权利 , 他 / 她的第一个行动是立刻地毫 不拖延地 与其他控制者 合作修改密码 , 包括与组织关联的电子邮件 地址。

在密码被修改后 , 所有的控制者必须拥有新的 密码 , 包括与该组织关联的电子邮 件地址的密码。

4 。 新的控制者在签署本文件后 , 立刻受到文件的制约。

四 针对违反合同行为的规则概 述以及 Admin 的职责

1 。 任何行为 , 直接或间接导致任何资金 , 包括组织号中的库存物品 , 被从组织中转移出来 , 转到控制者和 / 或第三方 , 未事先 经国会同意或者相关 国家 部 门认可 , 将被认为是非法的 , 以及违反本合同。

在这种情况下 , 违反本合同上述规则的一方 , 个人有义务在 24 小时内强制返还从组织 中转出的确切数额。

如果违反合同规则的一方未 能归还非法取走的确切相同 数额的金子和附加的 200 金子罚款 ,Admin 将出面从违法的控制者的个 人帐户和 / 或个人的组织帐户和公司中 转移出应缴数额 , 放到国库中 , 并封禁违法的控制者 14 天。 如果损失因为任何不可预见 的原因而无法追回 ,Admin 应将过错方永久封禁。

被充公的财产的价值将按照 eChina 当时平均工资用金计算。 公司的价值将根据它们的开 设成本、 执照和升级开支用金子计算 。

2 。 如果密码丢失或者被人故意 修改之后不允许组织被使用 ,Admin 应当把组织的密码和它的电 子邮件帐户 交给 被 eChinese 国会以多数票提名任命的人

3 。 违反合同的各方也将获得 7 天的封禁。

4 。 如果合同被任何某方修改了 与他们相关的合同责任 , 或者某个签字被修改或者移 除 , 修改方要被处以罚款 200 金子并且受到 3 天封禁。 各方仍然受制约于未修改前 的合同版本和上面的规则。

这份合同在它被代表人 [the Representative] 和管理者们 [the Managers] 签署之后开始生效

这份合同终止 , 有赖于签署了该文件的人使 这份文件中的前述标准符合 的时候。

e中国 国家组织合同 (英文版) [PBoC]
Contract for eChinese Nation-owned Organizations [PBoC]

This document is a binding contract between the Managers (herein “ Managers” ) of any eChinese Nation-owned Organization (herein “ Organization ”) and the eChinese Nation, the latter of which is for all purposes of this document represented by the President of eChina.

The contract outlines the jurisdiction which the Managers and the Representative must in all cases obey and respect.

I Statutes outlining the control of eChinese Nation-owned Organizations

1.Both the Representative and Managers are considered Controllers (herein“ Controllers ” ) of the Organizations. Each Manager is only accountable for the Organization he is given the rights to use. eChinese Nation-owned Organizations' original creator give up all rights to Controllers.

People's Bank of eChina, http://www.erepublik.com/en/organization/1564359
Manager xingxing88 http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/1582924
Original creator Snayke http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/888371

2. The Controllers must work co-operatively and never fail to notify one another of all events concerning the Organization. The Controllers are obligated to share the passwords to the Organizations (herein “Password ” ) they have right to between themselves, in case one of them does not have it, or the Passwords have been changed. This includes the password to the e-mail address the Organization is linked to.

II Statutes outlining the obligations of the controllers of the Organizations

1.The Controllers are prohibited from seeking personal gain or the gain of a third party by the decisions and transactions they make.

2.The Controllers are explicitly prohibited from sharing the Password with any third party without a permission granted by the Congress through a majority vote.

3. The Controllers are held personally accountable for any loss of the Organization’s funds resulting from lacking security measures within the Organization.

4. The Controllers who make transaction(s) of transferring any values in/out of the Organizations (including inventory) are required to post/update operation records with explanations and notify the congress of such transactions in 24hours.

III Statutes outlining the exchange of control

The post of a Controller is a rotating position. This document will remain legal and binding to the parties signing this contract until the Manager wishes to end the contract by copying the entire contract, and writing ‘I wish to end this contract’, and the Representative agrees by copying the resignation and writing ‘I agree to end the contract on behalf of [Manager's name]’. Representatives can free their predecessors using the same method.

New Controllers take their place by signing the contract. New Managers are under discretion of the Representative, and their signature can be rejected by the Representative. Only when the process outlined in this section has be end one, can the person or persons signing this document be freed from their obligations to this document.

The Organization the Manager has rights to is defined in his/her signature. The organization(s) the Manager has right to, and in which organizations' usage this contract applies to on behalf of that Manager, are listed in the signature. If an organization is not listed in the signature, the Manager has no right to that organization.

1. Once a new Manager is nominated by the Representative and the new Manager has signed this contract, the previous Manager is obligated to immediately and without delay transfer the Password to the new Manager, including the password to the e-mail address to which the Organization is linked.

2. Once a new legally elected Representative has signed this contract, the previous Representative must immediately and without delay transfer the Password to the new Representative, including the password to thee-mail address to which the Organization is linked.

3. In the case where a new Manager or Representative has taken office, his/her first act is to immediately and without delay change the Password in co-operation with the other Controller, including the password to the e-mail address to which the Organization is linked to.

After the change of Password has taken place, all Controllers must be in possession of the new Password, including the password to the e-mail address to which the Organization is linked to.

4. New Controllers are immediately bound to this document after signing it.

IV Statutes outlining a breach of contract and Admin responsibilities

1.Any act that directly or indirectly leads to any funds, including items in the inventory, being transferred out of the Organization to a Controller AND/OR a 3rd party without prior congressional or relevant authority's permission is deemed to be illegal and breach of this contract.

In such a situation, the party violating the statutes outlined in this contract is personally obligated to return the exact sum taken from the Organization in 24 hours. Failing to return in 24hours, the violating party should return and plus a 200 gold fine to national treasury.

If the party breaking the contract rules fails to return the exact same amount of gold illegally taken from the Organization plus the 200 gold fine in 24 hours, Admin is requested to remove the exact sum taken from the Organization from the violating Controller’s personal account and/or personal organizations and companies, and place it in eChina’s national treasury and ban the violating Controller for fourteen (14) days. If the lost can not betaken back on any unpredictable reason, Admin is requested to ban the violating party permanently.

The value of the property confiscated will be calculated in gold using the average prices in eChina at the moment of calculation. The value of the companies will be calculated in gold by adding their start-up cost, licenses and upgrades. The value of the finished products and raw materials in the companies are not taken into account.

2. The Admin is requested to give the Password of the Organization and its email account to a person nominated by the eChinese Congress through a majority vote incase where the Password has been lost or intentionally changed to disallow the use of the Organization.

3. The parties that break the contract will also receive a seven (7) day ban.

4. If the contract is modified by either sides in a manner that changes their responsibilities concerning this Contract, or one of the signatures is modified or removed, the modifying parties are to be fined 200 Gold and will also receive a three day ban. The parties are still bound to the contract rules in the unmodified version of the Contract and the rules stated on it.

This contract becomes binding the moment it has been signed by the Representative and the Managers.

The Contract ceases to apply to the person signing this document when the criteria outlined in this document are met.

I agree with the Contract terms

Signature & position

Signed as the Representative, solotar , President of eChina

I agree with the Contract terms

Signature & position

Signed as the Manager of People's Bank of China, xingxing88