[CN/EN] 罗马尼亚总统Bogdan_L专访 / Interview with Bogdan_L

Day 1,100, 23:32 Published in China China by A Rock Star in Tanzania


hoverge: Please can you make a self-introduction? Some RL information (maybe a picture? 😁 and an e-bio will be appreciated.

Bogdan_L: I should start with "My real name is obviously Bogdan, Bogdan_L is just a much younger version of me."
How I am?
After being the president of Romania for 2 months, having great moments, today is maybe the lowest one. Just lost an important battle, we could say an epic one by the number of mobiles and gold spent on both sides.
Still, I'm good. 🙂

Bogdan and his family

hoverge: You want to talk about the Hungary & Russian campaigns?

Bogdan_L: Regarding the Russia campaign or about erasing Hungary, we had great fun, I think we proved that we can do almost everything we really want it. It is in the power of the future for new adventures and military campaigns.

hoverge: eRomania didn’t have the most citizens nor many high-resource regions, but the Romanian army was always very tough and powerful to fight and win. Can you share the successful experience with us?

Bogdan_L: The success of our strength military speaking stays like everywhere else in a puzzle game. Put the right pieces into the right place and you'll have the small pieces working together in order to see the ensemble.

hoverge: Do you think Phoenix is losing? What will happen to EDEN if the victory day comes?

Bogdan_L: Phoenix was for a while on the short end of the stick. Some lost confidence; some realized it was a better moment for EDEN. But what you have seen yesterday won't be for sure tomorrow. We both EDEN and Phoenix have great communities, passionate people. Everything is possible on both sides. Just the more involved ones succeed.

hoverge: Several Phoenix countries are having their baby booms but nothing happens in EDEN countries. Are you worried?

Bogdan_L: Even we got almost everything we targeted we didn't really have a baby boom. It seems that this one isn't created by hard work, good inspiration or great moments. It is just a sparkle, it comes sometimes. It is better to keep the most of it.

hoverge: Please comment on the new military module and MPP rules.

Bogdan_L: The new military module is great from my point of view. Everything is open, no artificial cages. Only the unlimited health packages are bad from the game point of view. From the admins’ point of view could be different, you should ask him, but I bet he enjoys the ride.  🙂

hoverge: After so many battles, which one is your favorite? Why?

Bogdan_L: My favourite battle or my worst one it is very hard to point out. For me, at this point, still the Asia campaign, the battles of WSR and Podolia, the long shot to Karnataka are the best. But who knows? Maybe in 2 years it is possible to reconsider that and have the erasing of Hungary or the Russia campaign my top memories. 

hoverge: Last question as usual, what do you think of eChina? Do you have anything to say to eChina citizens?

Bogdan_L: I have great respect and friendship for the eChinese people. I have good friends there. We did our best fighting together for Heilongjiang or Liaoning. Epic battles!
The best moment of China? China developed as a power in the last year, but in Rising China was the best for me. By far! 🙂


hoverge: 请给大家做一下自我介绍,如果能来张照片就最好啦。

Bogdan_L: 显然我的真名是Bogdan,Bogdan_L是一个年轻版的我。最近我怎么样?连续担任了两任罗马尼亚总统,我享受了很多美好的日子,今天或许是其中最糟糕的一天,因为我们刚刚输掉了一场重要的战斗(译注:罗马尼亚刚刚丢掉了最后一块俄罗斯高矿CBE),在那场战斗中双方都投入了大量机动部队和金钱。不过我还是感觉不错。🙂


hoverge: 想谈谈罗马尼亚的匈牙利和俄罗斯战役吗?

Bogdan_L: 我们在一系列战斗中享受了很多乐趣,我想我们证明了我们能做到任何想做的事,这也将成为我们将来新的行动的力量。

hoverge: 罗马尼亚人口并不很多,也没有很多高矿,但罗马尼亚部队总是充满战斗力,能分享一些经验吗?

Bogdan_L: 我们部队的强大对于很多人来说都是一个谜。如果你能够将很多细节做好,那么整体的结果可能会出乎意料。

hoverge: 你认为Phoenix会输掉游戏吗?

Bogdan_L: Phoenix曾经处在失利的边缘,有些人失去了信心,有些人意识到EDEN的确更为强大,但你也看到了,我们不能用昨天的结果来预测明天,EDEN和Phoenix都有坚强的群体和充满激情的人们,胜负难料,更能够专注游戏的一方将会取胜。

hoverge: 几个Phoenix国家近期都有婴儿潮,EDEN这边却静悄悄,你担心吗?

Bogdan_L: 虽然我们达成了不少目标,但我们始终没有触发婴儿潮。看起来这事并不是积极宣称和游戏中的鼓舞就能做到的,有时候有一些偶然性。我们能留住现有的大部分人就是成功。

hoverge: 你对新的军事模块以及MPP规则有何看法?

Bogdan_L: 新的军事模块在我看来很好,大家都变得没有拘束,从游戏角度来说只有无限体力包不大好,不过无头鸡可能不这么认为,你可以问它,我估计它觉得很好。 🙂

hoverge: 经过了这么多战斗,那些让你最为印象深刻?

Bogdan_L: 很难找出最好和最坏的战斗,目前来说我最难忘的还是罗马尼亚的亚洲战役,WSR争夺战以及远征Karnataka(译注:这些战斗主要是发生在2009年3月到5月的罗马尼亚-印尼世界霸主争夺战中)。不过谁知道呢,或许在那两年后再回头看灭国匈牙利和俄罗斯将成为我最难忘的战斗。

hoverge: 最后一个问题和以往一样,你对中国有何看法?有什么相对中国玩家说的吗?

Bogdan_L: 我非常敬佩eChina玩家,也非常珍视我们与eChina的友谊。中国有我最好的朋友们,我们曾经在黑龙江和辽宁的解放战役中并肩战斗,那是史诗般的战斗!eChina在过去一年间发展成为一支重要力量,不过在我看来截止目前v2中的eChina是最棒的。🙂


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