** Click. Click. **

Day 589, 05:46 Published in USA USA by Blue Holt

To start off, I want to say “Hi” to every one reading this today. My name is Blue Holt, but please refer to me as either or. I get a personal high off of sentiment as such.

As you can see, I don’t write a whole lot of articles here in the New World. This is not to say that I have nothing of interest to write about, but it obviously has an effect on the amount I write. Articles that are creative, if at all capable of being informative, take time and effort to materialize. Pumping out a decent flow of articles to the printing press can be tedious to any kid balancing the demands of the real world and the New World on a sole keyboard.

So what am I writing about today on this semi-rare, non-provoked occasion?


Love them? Hate them? Hey, who cares, right? They sit there, working and training every day. Unless they work for you. Then you might give a damn. Yet, since I have spent half my eLife two-clicking (or three-clicking, if you include some of that wall-bashing fun), I find myself often wondering why the average two-clicker plays the game.

They rarely speak, if ever. When they do, they vote in high numbers and seem to keep tabs on the political scene, despite the possibility of being poorly educated or ill-informed on core national issues. They’re the silent and the surprisingly strong, producing the goods and services to make this great nation run for the grand opportunity of being a big player on the international stage.

So what makes the two-clickers run?

I do consider myself the average two-clicker. I’ve tried my hand at many different tables during my nearly 200 days of eLife here. I was in the Marines for a short period of time. I was given the chance to ascend to ranks in the Federalist Party hierarchy. Heck, this is my second run with a newspaper using a different name and logo! Besides that, I’m too poor to own and operate a business of any kind. In the end, it’s astonishing to recall just how much time one spends practically doing nothing more than pushing a few buttons. Sometimes, I barely have the time to bother two-clicking. Other times, I’m convinced to just say “Screw it”. However, there is one bonus that I look forward to every day when I wake up…

And that’s watching my salary rise.

“That’s shockingly shallow of you, Holt!”, you might say.

I cannot deny it. It feels good having a little eMoney to fool around with. Whether it’s buying weapons at the local gun shop or losing Gold in a phony stock investment purchase, the knowledge I gain from managing my wallet is quite the experience in itself. One day, just maybe one day, I’ll be rich enough to pay wages to struggling two-clickers looking for wealth through hard work too. Until that time, I’m just another guy with often involuntary, minimal involvement beyond a personal level.

Don’t read me wrong. I do enjoy a heated debate about the tax system, like our Congressmen and Congresswomen fight arduously over. I do enjoy talking about efforts to recruit, expand, and get members active in the Feds. I do enjoy (or rather, loved) the idea of running into an enemy wall with some of the best equipment provided faithfully by the tax payers, as was the case in the Marines. Unfortunately, those endeavors haven’t been MY cup of tea. Although I have had little experience with companies, it is without a doubt where the drive of my will resides.

Call it a fixation. Call it foolishness. I say that I like the sound of Gold bars clanking together in my closet.

So for all the two-clickers out there, whatever may drive your ambitions in this New World we are in… whether you desire to become an officer in our military, run for Congress and serve the nation with your words, or play Chairman of a very successful conglomerate… NEVER lose sight of what you want.

Reach out for it.
Take the time.
Try it out.
Make it yours.

The experience might be more rewarding than a few bars of Gold.

~ B. Holt
(Super bored. Hope you enjoyed.)