[CHARTICLE] The Secret to eRep Success

Day 1,380, 13:43 Published in USA USA by Chutley

The Secret Key to eRep Success

It has come to my attention recently that I have attained at least some level of notoriety in our ridiculous eRepublik community in lo these last 8 months. I'm so damn cool that I have almost 900 friends and nearly 500 subscribers (which, by the way, means 400 of you are bastards).

Why is this the case? Is it because I belong to a kickass party? Go on IRC occasionally? Keep up with great papers? Maybe.

But I posit to you that a large part of any eRepublikan’s level of popularity, very much including mine, is one underlying, heretofore undervalued reason...


It’s not like my Geico caveman is particularly good looking nor does he necessarily represent me in any way, but he is effective because he is generous enough to lend me his primitive, caveman identity.

Why am I rambling on about this? Simply put – if you want to be successful in the eRepublik world, your first move should be to create a novel avatar which is both recognizable and memorable.

Here are a few tips to help guide you:

1) Use a unique reference.

If someone well known likes, say … three headed dogs, don’t be a three headed dog.

2) Be human.

Because I want to pretend that all of you are actual people, not just text on my screen. Also, it will help me vote for you if you run for office. I want to be represented by someone who at least appears to have the potential to converse, not someone who looks like a flag or a circle or a pile of dog crap (though that would kind of be awesome). Yes, some are outliers, but at least they’re mammals.

3) Be famous.

This allows you to take hold of everything associated with him or her. The more pop culture references the better. You get celbredom for free! For instance: your likely next PotUS, Gnilraps, OWNS Tom Waits. This allows him to quote that legend, post his music, and look badass all at the same time. Not bad.

4) Be true to your crotch.

No offense meant to those who do this, but using some hot woman (unless you’re actually a woman) as your face seems sort of disingenuous. It’s also confusing. I don’t want to be aroused when deciding whether I’m going to vote for him or him. On the other hand, I’m not sure I’d like to vote for him either...

5) Don't box yourself in.

Yeah yeah, most of them show pride in some party or military unit, but it reduces your individuality and makes you blend in. Perhaps that’s what you want, but be warne😛 if that border is too big, I don’t have the attention span to see past it.

Are you skeptical? Don’t believe that avatars make a difference? Fine, but check out what happens if your avatar has thick borders and isn’t human, gender specific, or conducive to any pop culture references:
