[CFT] Issue 4, Day 1499 ~~ UK, EDEN and War

Day 1,499, 06:40 Published in Canada Canada by Luke Peters

In this issue, we can report that Parliament Hill has once again declared the United Kingdom as the natural enemy of Canada, Turkey looks set to join EDEN and we will take a brief look at the wars that Canada is involved in.

Yesterday, the elected congress of Canada voted to redeclare the United Kingdom as an enemy of Canada. On the same day, Canadian forces attacked the North East of England.

The land once owned by the United Kingdom is now split into three with France in control in the south, Canada controlling the midlands and pushing north into the regions that the United Kingdom are holding onto. Both Canada and the UK initially diverted their militaries to the battlezone although it appears that Canadian forces may have backed off from this fight. If Canada do win this battle, it will leave only Scotland and Northern Ireland left to conquer after pushing the United Kingdom out of England and Wales.

As the battle draws to a close today, we may see the flag of the United Kingdom disappear from England, although at the time of writing, it appears more likely that Canadian forces will be pushed back.

Turkey looks set to join EDEN in the next month after it was announced that they would be signing a Mutual Protection Pact with Canada as part of their trial period in the "Garden of EDEN". At the end of this trial period of 30 days, they may join the ranks of EDEN and join other countries such as Canada, Ireland and Italy as members of the alliance.

The battle in the United Kingdom is currently being fought on three fronts. Canada pushed its forces into the North East of England yesterday although the invading forces look set to be pushed back. The Resistance forces throughout the United Kingdom have also attacked their invaders with large battles breaking out in Yorkshire & Humberside and in London. Canada also look like they may lose the battles in Yorkshire & Humberside with their troops starting to fall back although it looks like London will remain under French control with the resistance forces being beaten down fairly easily.

Elsewhere, the United States of America are fighting hard against Serbian forces in Languedoc Roussillon; it is difficult to predict which way the battle is going to go at the moment but forces from around Terra are being drafted in to help beat back the Serbians.

Look out for the next issue hitting news stands near you soon!