[CFT] Issue 2 - Day 1271 ~~ Presidential Term Week 1 and New Industries

Day 1,271, 11:25 Published in Canada Canada by Luke Peters
Issue 2 Day 1271

In this, the second edition of the Canadian Financial Times, we take a look at the first week of the new Presidential term and a review of the new industries that have sprung up around the world.

Kazuo Leblanc, elected president of Canada, draws to a close, a quiet first week of his term with a quiet celebration of his birthday. He declared Day 1269 a national holiday with all government offices remaining closed for the day.

Meanwhile, he has assured Canadians of a number of things in the pipeline.

He has outlined his idea of the L'école Leblanc which he describes as the "plan for our future". The proposed system has met both praise and concern in the congress chambers where it made its first reading. Prime Minister Leblanc assures us that the idea is far from complete and the main reasoning for this first reading is so that congress, and the public, can see some of the things that are going on behind the scenes amid strong calls for some evidence that something is being discussed within the Prime Minister and his private chambers. This secondary school, as the Prime Minister describes it, has met some strong support with regards to the idea and the execution of the program however, it has also met some opposition from people concerned that the program could lead to elitism with all players born after a given date being required to complete and earn a "secondary school diploma" otherwise their employers will be actively encouraged to fire them, and their pary presidents will be encouraged to block their attempts to run for public office with the punishment of the other successful candidates with diplomas possibly having to wait for a period of time after election to receive their access to the congressional chambers.

There are both reasons for support and concern with regards to this bill, but as the idea develops and takes form, this may well change to become a more well-rounded and workable program.

The Prime Minister has also indicated that during this term, following the retirement of the United Kingdom from TERRA and also the supreme commander, also from the United Kingdom; that he intends to campaign strongly for a Canadian successor for this position. He believes that a Canadian Supreme Commander would allow Canada to take a much more involved position within the alliance and help make our voice heard more loudly than at present.

With the new industries springing up around the world today, one can only wonder, why so long?

Today, thousands of fisheries sprung up across North America, the same also with Aluminimum mines. It's amazing really considering we always believed our primary resources were iron and grain. In the last 24 hours, many grain farms have closed, with many fisheries taking their place; the same is true with iron and aluminium. It is unclear yet as to how this will affect the economy and the market as business owners and citizens alike fight to gain access to these resources.

Not only have fish and aluminium become a mainstay of the Canadian economy over night, there are also some other businesses springing up in smaller numbers with saltpeter farms and rubber plantations. Only time will tell how these new businesses fare in the harsh Canadian economy.