[CC4CP] Team Building

Day 2,382, 14:09 Published in Netherlands Canada by Cody Caine

Mood Music

Presenting the possible government of next month, you know in the event I'm elected...

The Vice President: lancer450
lancer is our current Minister of Foreign Affairs, and has more than enough experience to serve as my VP, plus he's a squirrel so he's nutty enough to work countless hours for a low cost of employment; Peanut Butter and Maple Syrup

The Vice Presidents Partner in Nuttiness: Garmr

The Team

Minister of Defense: NoTie112
State Secretary of Defense: -vacant-
Commander of the Dutch Armed Forces: Walhallah

Minister of Foreign Affairs: Willem The Conqueror
State Secretary of Foreign Affairs: Athena the Great
Deputy State Secretary: Lord Jale

Minister of Home Affairs: Odan
State Secretary of Home Affairs: Legendardisch
Minister of Trout Competitions: Tim Veltkamp
Minister of Sports and Recreation: GEN. DE LA REY

Minister of Finances: Aries Prime
State Secretary of Finances: The Valeyard

Advisers: Schoft, Tim Veltkamp
Butler: Greeling
Still hiring
This list is not complete, and will be updated as more positions are filled, but if I have my way we shall be awesome!