[CAF] A changing of the Guard

Day 1,478, 09:27 Published in Canada Canada by Treian

Hello eCanada and CAFers alike

This article has been a few days coming now, so I'll get you right into things. General Cozza has stepped down as CO and is now enjoying a semi retired elife. I think everyone will join me in saying the following to our outgoing CO:

Cozza.... you have served this nation and it's people extremely well. You have left your mark on us all, and I think we're all better for it. Thanks to you we're better soldiers, and we're all a lil bit aussie! Thank you for your hard work, dedication and leadership. It's been an honour sir. o7

I releive you sir. o7

It is with great pride that I now stand before you all as the new CAF General and CO. I know I have some big shoes to fill, and I look forward to working with you all to make eCanada the best place it can be, and to make the CAF eCanada's best MU.

With my promotion to CO, a new XO was needed. I considered quite a number of you, spoke to some, and in the end I decided to have two XO's to help handle the large group that we are, and to keep communication swift and effective.

Your new XO's are: Lieutenant General Nucksalltheway, and Lieutenant General Tyrael Snow. Congrats to you both!!

Honourable mentions go out to Mansbridge09 and Roger Griswald who were also under consideration for these positions.

Lt. Gen. Nucksalltheway will be looking over the branches and the whole roster of the CAF, while Lt. Gen. Tyrael Snow will be running our departments (PMO, Supply, PR etc) It is my hope that by working it this way, problems will be resolved faster, changes can be implimented quicker, and questions and issues will be dealt with in a timely manner.

**UPDATE** MU regiment Captains

After posting up in our forums, I had asked you all to step up and offer to be a regiment captain. With many responces I have a full list of 20 people to cover our 20 regiments, 2 of these are going to be NON CANADIAN time zones. For all of you who are having a difficult time getting the daily reward due to time differences, I hope this will help resolve that issue.

Thank you to all who have shown interest and who are to become our Captains, please be active and post up orders as often as you can!

End Transmition
-General Treian