[CAF] 10 Reasons to Join

Day 1,003, 09:52 Published in Canada Canada by Canadian National Defense

10 Great Reasons to Join the CAF

1. Free Weapons

Yea, we’ll kit you out with top-notch weapons (Q5’s anyone?) that are sure to send just about any enemy running for the hills.

2. Free Moving Tickets Too

Assuming you have are in the regulars, you’ll get moving tickets to get you wherever we need you to be.

3. Free Gold

Yes, gold too! We just might hold everything that your heart desires. There’s nothing quite like killing yourself fighting for your country, and then being able to heal yourself back up to have another go with no cost to yourself!

4. Teamwork

While we are busy killing whatever stands in our way on the battlefield, you will quickly learn just how important communication and teamwork can be, and you’ll become a better fighter to show for it.

5. The President

As Acacia says, “CAF IS F#%*ING A%& KICKING AMAZING.”

That’s a real quote too.

6. If you don’t join, we’ll send General Coda after you.

Courtesy of Coda, visit her blog here to see more of her creations.

If her without a weapon scares you, just wait until she hops into her Q5 tank.

7. Community

By joining the CAF you will be put into a platoon. You will get to know your platoon-mates like the back of your hand. You’ll kill together and you’ll die together (although not as often as you kill).

8. We’ll Teach You Everything You Need to Know!

Even if you still haven’t discovered how to deploy to the battlefield (it’s the big blue button with the word “deploy” on it btw) you can still join. You will be placed in the Rangers, a special force dedicated to teaching people how to fight and what being in the CAF is like.

9. Strong Fighter? Weak Fighter?

Really, it doesn’t matter. If you want to fight for your country, then we’ll ensure you are adequately prepared and supplied to do so, even if you still can’t find the deploy button (it’s dead center along the bottom of the screen btw).

10. Why Not?

eRepublik can sometimes get dull and boring, so why not join the CAF to spice it up a bit and meet some new people?

So what are you waiting for? To sign up all that you have to do is click here and do what the thread tells you to.

Oh, and you’d better hurry, it looks like Coda is getting into her tank…
