[BRY] Expanding our Economy

Day 1,075, 15:46 Published in Malaysia Singapore by Bryce S

The current state of eMalaysia’s economy is distressingly bad. eMalaysia was once a prosperous, vibrant nation, with a labour force, profits, and economic strength that was the jealousy of fellow non-aligned nations in Asia. We had competition in almost all areas of the economy that benefitted the citizens, but still made owning a company profitable in many cases. As the PTO continued, and the Serbians gained ground, we slowly began losing the prosperity we enjoyed. Our currency rapidly devalued, leaving the value of our savings and wages a fraction of what they were. Following this, the taxes and minimum wage were manipulated, leaving no job offers and little products on the market. The final blow was losing our two important economic regions, Sarawak and Peninsular Malaysia.

The fact that we see job offers (despite the highest offer being 0.03 GOLD) and food (despite its expense compared to wages) should be taken as a sign of hope. Companies are being opened, not for profit, but to help the citizens trying to be a part of the rebuilding process in eMalaysia. We have regained Peninsular Malaysia (though maybe not for long), where most of our economic force is based. But we cannot continue this way. Progress has slowed down, and seems not fast enough to recover our country. Things also must change. We cannot rely on pure good will and charity for the remainder of our nation’s time in Erepublik. It is time for clear direction and action from the government.

If elected president, I would execute a several economic programs to set eMalaysia back on a quick and healthy path of recovery. Firstly, the medium of transaction in eMalaysia, our currency the MYR, must be controlled, stabilized, and brought under our control. With congress, we would revalue the MYR and set it to a peg against GOLD. This would provide greater stability over our markets, and provide something to base our economy off. The government would work to establish fairer product prices and wages, and ultimately to build our economy to compete at the international level. To achieve this, the government would maintain a recommended product pricing list and salary list. The list will be evaluated with MYR value, labour and raw material costs, demand and in comparison to other countries. The list would be periodically re-evaluated and updated. Private companies would be encouraged to follow recommended prices and salary, or try to be as close as possible, but the government would not be able to force all companies to follow the pricing list. As president, government owned companies would be established to provide employment and execute economic policy. These government owned companies on the other hand would be forced to follow the wage recommendations and product prices, as a method to both enforce the list, and ensure the fairness of government companies.

Rebuilding and expanding our economy has shown to take time and be difficult. The eMalaysia and Erepublik of today may not be able to achieve a pre-PTO economy. But we must try. These methods but in place will work to provide direction for our economy and a period of unity in the market place to work for the common interests of eMalaysians.

Thank you,
Bryce S

Presidential Platform:
Candidacy Announcement
Governance and Accountability
Expanding our Economy
Building our Society
International Relations