~ Bruck and His Cabinet Already At Work : Updates from 3 Ministers ~

Day 472, 09:12 Published in Canada Canada by 1ronman
[The Voice of the CFC : Editor : 1ronman]

~ Bruck and His Cabinet Already At Work : Updates from 3 Ministers ~

A Congratulations
March 09 Cabinet
Minister of Defense : Supply System Changes
General of the Canadian Armed Forces : Elite Division and Future Plans
Minister of Finance: Tax Plans & Government Spending

I would firstly like to congratulate Bruck on Prime Minister. It was a very long journey for him, but in the end he pulled through. He worked tirelessly to get where he is now and with no doubt in my mind deserves to be Prime Minister. I hope Bruck continues to work with the PPC for a better Canada. Together we can make Canada a better place. And now that he is elected, a new cabinet is in place. This Cabinet is:

Prime Minister: Bruck
- Deputy Prime Minister: Derakor

Minister of Defense: 1ronman
- Deputy Minister of Defense: Derakor
- Deputy Minister of Defense: Coda

Minister of Finance: Alexander Rearden
- Deputy Minister of Finance: Industries: Miscue
- Deputy Minister of Finance: Shinra: JT Vanguard

Minister of Social Services: Emilio Sanchez
- Deputy Minister of Social Services: Anomander Rake

Minister of Communication and Heritage: Dominik

Minister of Foreign Affairs: Marcchelala
- Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs: Joey Phillips

Minister of Immigration: Mustache Dictator

'Other' Positions:

General of the Canadian Armed Forces: Coda


As stated above, I (1ronman) am the new Minister of Defense and I am starting to implement my proposed Supply Changes. For the time being, what we supplies will stay the same, but how we supply is going to change. From now on Platoon Leaders will not be submitting supply requests to CND and we ask that NO ONE sends requests in the form of PMs to CND. From this point forward, all requests are to be submitted in this google spreadsheet. Platoon Leaders will submit requests for their members using this spreadsheet: http://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?hl=en&formkey=cFg5YkFSVEZ4bEZtN2lEdUNEcW56TUE6MA. . With this new system we hope to be able to get supplies out faster, within 2 hours of them being requested. I will work tirelessly to ensure all of you get your supplies everyday. I have also agreed to supply the new Elite Division of the CAF with Higher Quality Weapons, read below for more information.

Now in the near future, a change to what we supply may change, here's my idea (This is all hypothetical and NOT finalized):

Users with: *Edited a bit*
Strength 4.99 and below may purchase Weapons for 4CAD however they will still be supplied 2 Moving tickets per operation
Strength 5-7.5 receive 3 Q1 Weapons and 2 Q1 Moving Tickets
Strength 7.5-10 receive 5 Q1 Weapons and 2 Q1 Moving Tickets
Strength 10+ receive 8 Q1 Weapons and 2 Q1 Moving Tickets

Users with:
In-Game Military Rank Lieutenant-Colonel can receive an additional 2 Q1 Weapons
In-Game Military Rank General-Field Marshal can receive an additional 4 Q1 Weapons

Users in:
Elite Division can receive 3 Q4 Weapons from the Elite Division Commander.

Minister of Defense,


The General of the Canadian Armed Forces, Coda is now working with the cabinet to create the Elite Division. Here's some information on the Elite Division and CAF Changes.

Section 1: Implementation - Elite Division
Coda: Implementation of the Elite Division is based on when I get a chance to talk about it with the new Cabinet. We have the opportunity to utilize our soldiers to their maximum potential. Its very obvious that we have VERY dedicated soldiers in our midst and with the help of some government weapons we could actually get some General ranks or higher out of this.

Section 2: Leader - Elite Division
Coda:The platoon leader would most likely be lead by myself and would be run like a normal platoon. Our elites would be supplied through me, and would hopefully be open to more missions. Our Elites would NOT be separated from the other platoons based on the fact we are encouraging teamwork here. They would work with their regular platoons and be in contact with them but would also be involved in the Elite Division.

Section 3: Supplies - Elite Division
Coda: Quality of the weapons will hopefully be based off of our currently stock pile of Q4 weapons. We're hoping to reach a certain amount of Q4 weapons in our stock pile and then after that devote some to our Elite Division. We're hoping the Elite Division will receive 3 Q4 Weapons per soldier plus their regular amount of Q1 weapons supplied by their regular Platoon.

Section 4: Criteria - Elite Division
Coda: Criteria would be previous performance, in game strength, and in game skills. We're going to focus on ACTIVE soldiers who will benefit eCanada in the long run.

Section 5: Plans - CAF
Since the baby boom we have received quite a few active players who show great promise for the Canadian Armed Forces. There have been new platoons activated, new players promoted, and the implementation of a training platoon. We are currently working on training for our new players to encourage players to stick with the CAF and also increase awareness about procedure and how to run an effective platoon. There will also be a change in divisions. I will talk about this at a later time.


1ronman has also been working closly with the Minister of Finance, Alexander Rearden to come up with a new tax scheme in the coming weeks.
But for now Alexander Rearden wants to propose the rest of the recent tax scheme. The CFC's Proposed Tax Scheme will hopefully be implemented later this term.
Alexander has also agreed to set aside 30GOLD for Canada to start a battle if nothing comes up of course. If you want war, start donating to Canadian National Defense, once we reach 30 GOLD, we will have the funds available to start one. For more information regarding this, read this article: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/war-donation-system-now-active--743108/1/20 Alexander Rearden has also informed me that Government Spending on Shinra will start winding down and the military Budget will be increased yet again this term. Alexander says "Basically things are going really good and further tinkering isn't neccessary." So there you have it ~

You will see lots of new changes in the coming days Canada, be prepared!

~ President of the PPC, Minister of Defense ~