[Brackets Mean Articles are Important]

Day 2,015, 11:57 Published in USA USA by Dio Soryu

Hello again,

I was feeling a little contemplative, this morning and thought I would write you an article. A real article. One of those meandering diatribes of thought, splayed out on the page, which I used to write for you back in better times than these.

A close friend of mine, someone who I met only after I'd quit playing this, LordRahl2 asked me to look over an article for him. I did and thought I'd check back to see what all was going on.

I wish I could say I was shocked or horrified but, indeed, everything has devolved back to where I expected it would be.

But first, let me say that I play a game similar to this one. I'm not here to convince you to play it. You probably already know about it and you'd play it if you cared. But, in playing it, I can say that all that is completely broken about this game could be fixed. The PTO's. The Economy. The War Module. Everything.

You have been under this PTO threat for two years and this has been a problem here and elsewhere far longer than that.

The fact is, if this were not what served the WIGS the way in which they wanted, they would have done something about it.

I saw Kermal's article condemning the Serbian PTO.

He's a reasonable man and he believes in reasonable means, I think.

I have a lot of respect for him.

But I'm afraid it's entirely wasted here.

The Serbians doing these things do not care if they act cowardly. These are people who rally behind the name of a man who killed for the sake of killing. Anyone who exalts a man that exterminates life so indiscriminately has no fear of being called cowardly; they lack even the basic sense of what words like right and wrong and courage and cowardice even mean, let alone the ability to consider their behavior in that context.

They're the forgotten step-children of a collapsed puppet state, desperately clinging to the United States as it's enemy not because they hate Americans, but because we were the last people to pay attention to them and the only thing they have left to define themselves by. At least, that is, the small subsection of Serbians that play such games as this with such vitriol.

There are no shortage of good people anywhere, if you bother to look.

But those here, contrary to Kermal's assertion, are indeed here to have fun. That's because they're here because it ruins other peoples fun and that is the only way a person who has forgotten how to enjoy their life can ever have fun. They would enjoy taking candy from a baby and mocking it's cries, believing they had achieved something important only because they were able to generate a negative reaction.

Then there's Ajay.

I don't have much to say about this, since anyone who is not entirely deluded already understands the mind at work there. But, I must ask... Ajay, would Ronald Reagan want to be the President if he had to throw the doors of America open to anyone willing to vote for him?

The majority of the American people don't want you to be President, that's been proven time and again. Do you have such little faith in your fellow American, that you deem any grinning Serbian to be of sounder judgment?

This is all rhetorical, of course. You're going to answer with some deflecting nonsensical statement and I am going to ignore it because I honestly don't care at all.

That's a question I'd like any thinking member of this community who considers giving that man an ounce of their attention to consider.

Rahl's a friend of mine, but honestly, I have no horse in this race.

In fact, I think you would all be better off if you stopped fighting and let Ajay have what he has clawed and lied and betrayed and cheated and stolen all these years to get.

Because I have no doubt he would fail entirely and become utterly inconsolable if he ever got it.

Consider the time and effort it must take this guy to carry out his aims and his nefarious dealings. Consider the times he's had to come back and start over and, time and again, has done so starting from square one.

There is, literally, no way this game has not defined his entire life for the better part of the past six years.

But, how much time and talent have you wasted, yourself?

You brought so much and so many dreams to this game with the intention of building something grand and what ever became of it? You managed tedious ATO effort after tedious ATO effort and had bitter fights with people who should be your friends, because parties are pitted against each other so absurdly.

How can parties compete if they must sacrifice their own independent wills? And how can a party have an independent will if doing so means the death of the nation it wishes to serve?

The businesses you carefully tended collapsed to the ground as the WIGS unleashed one earthquake after another upon sands of commerce. This can only be interpreted as an intentional move, meant to drive players away from the game's own markets and into eager arms of the Rewards Club and the only genuine difference you can make in the military module is to upgrade your Q5 Robotic Dinosaur Launcher Factory to level 7; it's only $30 this week.

This game fails to deliver on every one of its promises. New players get lost in the vastness of the sea and believe they must but climb their way to the top, only to realize much too late and long after they're too invested that there is no top. It's writhing, screaming madness all the way up. There is no top.

The only one of you that even fails to recognize this anymore is Oblige.

You all deserve much better.

Do you know who really, really deserves to live in this hell-scape?

Ajay and Serbians.

He should get everything he ever clawed and lied and cheated and stole to achieve. He should revel in his glorious victory for that first second before he realizes he has no idea what to do with it. He should watch the exodus as the America he claims to love turns its head and walks away in total indifference.

The Serbians should finally get to triumph over us foreign devils who dared to challenge the greatness of Serbia, only to realize it was just a game all along and the only way they will ever really matter is by getting over it, growing up and finding something to define themselves by rather than clinging to something they define themselves against.

They deserve the hideous wreck the WIGS have left you, because they're hideous wrecks that will collapse under the weight of their own introspection the second they stop having someone to call their devil. At least, they will if they're able to be honest with themselves.

But, above all, you can all finally relax.

No more unity elections.

No more ATO.

No more wishing you could fight in a battle you felt good about.

No more faded dreams.

No more semantic arguments with megalomaniac sociopaths.

No more stupid missions.

No more upgrading.

No more wishing you could get all this work done so you can do something fun.

No more working endlessly for fun that never comes.

No more WIGS.

No more.

You all deserve much better than this.

I'm going to DIO, now.

I'll see you all there.