[BPD] The eAustrian Forum

Day 918, 11:51 Published in Austria Austria by BundesPresseDienst

Dear citizen, and friends of eAustria!

Unfortunately the communication within our country in the last months was very bad, almost nonexistent.
There are only a few guys who regularely show up on the IRC, and the Forum was more or less dead - until now.
Today I decided to revive the forum. Lhasa, our Host, gave me Admin permissions and i cleaned the board up a bit, changed a few things and now it's ready i think (if you think it's not just use the suggestions part of the forum 😉).

Communication as well as transparency is very important for the success of our country, so i urge every citizen to use the forums as often as possible, noone will like to visit a dead forum.
Many citizen have been asking for information on latest government-moves.
This is just a part of what you'll find in the forums.
So - I hope to see maany of you around. Of course this is a good opportunity to start your ePolitical carreer right now!
Enough of the talking:

Access the eAustrian Forums

You will have to register before you can post and view the biggest part of the forum.
Also, Congressmembers please PM me ingame and send me your forum nick so i can give you access to the congressional platform!
Note: If you had a nickname on the last forums you can still use that one here - we took them over from the old forum.
