[BOOM] Political Titles

Day 1,789, 00:25 Published in Philippines Philippines by Boy Pick Up


Greetings ePhilippines! Today I present to you my article about the new Political Titles feature. It will tell you all you need to know about this new feature created. I hope you enjoy it!


1. Political Titles
2. Party Titles
3. Country Titles
4. Propose New Title
5. Final Words

Political Titles

There are two categories of Political Titles:
-Party Titles
-Country Titles

Each Citizen can have only one Political Title and only one Country Title at the same time. Each Party/Country can assign one type of title to one citizen.
eg. Country A can only have 1 Prime Minister

There is no limitation in amount Titles a Party/Country can have without breaking the rule above. The titles don't give any special abilities or powers.

Party Titles

Party Presidents are able to assign Titles to the Party Members in the Edit Party Page. In the Edit Party Page there is a new section called Assign Party Titles. The Party President will be able to select a Title from a dropdown with predefined Title names, and then assign it to a Party Member.

The way a Party Member is chosen for the assignment should be the same as selecting a Party Member for a Presidential Candidature (a Pop-up with the list of Party Members and the search bar will appear).

Once a Title is assigned, the citizen will be visible on the Edit Party page with the Change/Delete button next to the name. In the dropdown menu the already assigned Titles will not be displayed. If all the Titles have been assigned, there will be no titles visible to assign.

Predefined Party Titles
-Vice President
-Secretary General

Country Titles

Country Presidents are be able to assign Country Titles to any citizens that have the same Citizenship, in the Country Administration page.

Predefined Country Titles
-Prime Minister
-Minister of Defense
-Minister of Foreign Affairs
-Minister of Education

Propose New Title

Under the predefined Title dropdown there is a new button named "Propose new Title". By clicking the Propose new Title button a citizen will get redirected to the support system.

Based on the proposed titles there will be further Titles added to the predefined Title list.

Final Words

Source: Political Titles - eRepublik Wiki

Boy Pick Up
Vice Minister of Internal Affairs
2nd Commander of PINOY MOBSTERS