[Boh] Reach out

Day 1,853, 13:34 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Bohemond4

I would like to make an appeal to all of you. Enough is enough, the eUK has bashed its head against a brick wall for far too long and you know what? That wall is not breaking. Only our head is. Only our body is being shattered.

Why is that you ask? I answer you: the infighting.

This is December, a month of joy, peace and tranquillity, or supposedly. I ask that we choose, this month, to run clean campaigns. We choose not to stack the top 5 with our voted articles, we choose to be honourable and do the right thing. We choose to do our utmost not to attack one another.

I propose that we stand together and try to make this place work. No one president can bring us together. No one party. No, what will bring us together is a rejection of hate, anger, bitterness.

All quarters need to recognise that another party is not evil. That they are, in fact, filled with players who, for the most part, want to better the eUK.

This will be a long process. Do not quit after the month is up because things seem to have no changed, but keep pushing, striving, to bring better relations.

So, my challenge to you, is pick one person from a party you consider to be your opponents rather than allies, message them, and say hi. pick someone you have wanted to wring their neck, reach out across the divide and start to build relations between you and them.

Try it, I mean, what else do we have to lose?

Editor in Chief
The Daily Knight