[BHPR] My Respects to the AMP...

Day 1,605, 09:42 Published in USA USA by Dru Blood
From a bar stool at O'Connor's in the Heartland of America...salute...

Late last night, as I was stumbling off to bed, I took one last look at eRepublik and found Haliman’s article, AMP-USWP Relations; addressing my latest article. Let me first say that I have a great deal of respect for Haliman and what he has accomplished with the AMP and in his political career, there are many fine citizens in the AMP at least some of whom agree with me; however for reasons of their own they remain silent. The Federalist do the same things as the AMP plus the iNCi and USMP are just extension of the USWP, suddenly America is down to 3 parties; because of these and other facts our last election was a joke and everyone in America knows it; there is no reason why the AMP or the Feds should have supported the USWP candidate; both parties should never allow the USWP to run candidates under their banners only to move back to the USWP, this gives them and Pfeiffer a huge advantage -one they do not deserve. My call is for the AMP and the Federalist to unite against the USWP, get together with 6th parties like the BoL right now and fill both parties slots with good reliable thick skinned candidates and DO NOT accept any USWP candidates. One piece of advice, if the AMP and Feds take such a stand it will definitely affect both parties negatively; doing the right thing will almost always hurt -that’s how you know it is the right thing.


Now I want to address several quotes from Haliman, these are not criticism; they are merely my opinion. When one is working in a social setting such a eRepublik citizen perception of you is the only thing which counts, a new citizens first impressions of you and your associates is paramount to you, your party and your MU; everyone learns that early in life.

‘In a nutshell, we are not the anti-USWP party.’

For me if AMP is not anti-USWP then the AMP is simply a placeholder, sure you get citizens into Congress; but once there who runs the show? Pfeiffer and the USWP controlling the eUnited States Forum is a detriment to America, it keeps America divided by hiding what they do behind Congressional privacy; they control Congress and if you disagree they troll you into silence. Those forums are so disliked by Americans that Congress can’t even get a 66% Congressional approval -and trolled anyone who suggested an amendment to change that- for a Natural Enemy proposal which nearly blew their own ‘ceasefire’; if the AMP and the Federalist do nothing to hinder that power you acquiescence to their demands and a citizen universally disliked remains in control.

We are not USWP sympathizers

No, maybe not, but you are at least appeasers. The AMP doesn’t ‘sympathize’ with the USWP, but neither do they do anything to hinder the USWP. Some months back I proposed in Congress that all Militias be folded into the USAF as branches and the OMS shuttered, Pfeiffer and the USWP trolled me to death and unfortunately some AMP members joined in; now Pfeiffer has done exactly that -giving him total control over the entire might of America and the only ones not drinking at the Government trough is the eUS Military commanded by the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS). IMO, the AMP and the Federalist not being anti-USWP and not trying to hinder the USWP has allowed Pfeiffer to not only remain in power, but consolidate his grip on America’s throat by getting the Government to support his Army.

‘We had congress elections and were neck and neck with them, just like the month before (and before Pfeiffer makes a comment, I hardly think them having 2 more seats than us is substantial, especially considering they outnumber us by 200 members)’

My question is, ‘Why you afraid of the USWP?’ One way to hinder the USWP is to not run any of their candidates, not to add the AMP’s support to their CP candidates; if I remember right AMP was the #3 party last election and were only 2 seats behind the USWP -correct? The only way to drive Pfeiffer out is to win control of the forums back, to do that America needs to be electing citizens who join the Congressional Forums and stick together, candidates who will endure the trolling and vote their conscience. I have never asked anything of Americans other than to inform themselves, decide on their own and vote their conscience.

I want to also touch on the Militias becoming branches of the United States Armed Forces (USAF) and the ‘shuttering’ of OMS; the Sons of Liberty (SoL) are the only Militia still receiving funding -at least for one more month. Closing the OMS and not encouraging new Militias by funding them like we did EZC, ST6 and the iNCi is a grave mistake, funding these militias helped create damage for America; when did America stop caring about damage? Suddenly OMS has outlived its usefulness, suddenly Pfeiffer is no longer interested in building Militias and damage; wonder when that happened -oh right, when Pfeiffer’s candidate took the White House. Since the funding of Militias will soon stop and the USAF will be receiving the lion's share of taxpayer gold I wish to point out that a military unit which I believe to be bigger than the USAF also exist, one which receives NO taxpayer gold and exist totally independent of the Government; yes I am talking about the JCS eUS Military. Here is a group of units which faithfully served America in the days of Eugene Harlot and Gaius Julius, who were then accused of shenanigans by Pfeiffer; one of the many accusations was that they failed to report their expenses to Congress; has anyone bothered asking the USAF to reveal their expenditures? Remember it is every Congress members right to request such information, be sure to bring that troll armor and those hipwaders -also don’t expect an answer. With 2 Armies available America has a choice, an Army that guzzles from the public trough or one which supports itself; so which type of Army do we want America? One which drinks gold from the Government well, an Army which is controlled by Congress through their purse strings, a Congress which controls tax dollars and is controlled by the USWP; or an Army which supports itself? Pfeiffer did America and these fine units a great disservice when he agitated for the cutting of funds until they bowed before him, he divided America in such a manner that even now wounds feaster; all he has ever done is sow the seeds of discord and has profited because of it - he now controls America’s military might. As a member of the Bastards of Liberty I will be proposing that we as a party approach the American Militia (JCS...if you guys don’t steal that name I’ll just cry...) and ask them to teach us how to build the SoL into a cohesive self supporting fighting unit and that the SoL cease accepting Government funding because I have a feeling one day America may need us and the American Militia to defend against the Pfeiffer controlled USAF; I mean why have an Army if you have no plan to use them?

Bartender, Kentucky Bourbon, neat...

I am Dru Blood and I may be crazy, but I’m just saying....

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