[BHPR] As the Stomach Turns, The PTo of America...

Day 1,700, 09:08 Published in USA USA by Dru Blood

From a barstool at ‘City Limits’ watching Morgan bartend with those perky pierced apple sized....OH yes, FN A; I FN LOVE YOU!’
Wild Thing ~ The Troggs...for my Wild Thing

The other day I sent several suggestions to Northern Exposure, an excellent radio show that has just expanded to a round table discussion as announced by Acacia Mason in his article Northern Exposure - Special Announcements; Acacia will now be joined by current Canadian President Rylde and the citizen ‘known in eCanada as one of the wisest and most reliable people in game’ politico Goran Thrax -which makes this radio show 3 times greater than it was before. Another radio program exist out there that has gone through many such changes, so far though it has never found a format that adapts well to children; however Northern Exposure with the 3 citizen member roundtable brings to the airwaves a completely fresh and adult view of this New World. Personally I love eRepublik, it has the potential to become even bigger than even the creators imagined in their wildest flights of fancy; this is a social game currently controlled by a group of anti social pimply teenagers with delusions of grandeur. There are citizens who ‘pretend’ to be Generals who are fighting the greatest battles ever waged, build grand alliances that their citizens wholeheartedly reject -even their own military revolted; oh and BTW just get it out of your head that this is a roleplaying game. Before there were radio shows there were forums, all new citizens were encouraged to join the National Forums where the American Congress conducts business; they were then trolled, belittled and censored into silence if they dared have a differing opinion than the one held by the USWP Pheifferist and Henry Arundel. For those who wish to listen to a bunch of boys playing grab ass on the radio stay tuned to that other show, those of you who wish an adult view of eRepublik be sure to catch the Northern Exposure podcast.

Yesterday was Party Presidential elections and for the RLC things are not looking good, seems the party created by Jude Conners is going to be controlled by eRepublik’s own sociopathic Stalker; and that chickensguys is a traitor of Benedict Arnold proportions having abandoned his post -no one has seen him in a week. However, MO is that this treachery goes even higher than a expendable Pfeifferist like chickensguys, it goes clear to the top of the Leadership of the USWP ‘sock puppet horde’; who -again IMO- has aided the Stalker to gain control of a party and not just any party but the number 3 party in America. Pretty sure America is saying, ‘Dru, you have your tin foil on crooked again.’ -but hear me out on this and picture next month's Country Presidential race with 3 candidates; the USWP candidate, the second candidate and everybody knows that he will be on the ballot next month also. The USWP will raise a cry followed by accusations that the parties must stick together to prevent the travesty about to befall America, a travesty that IMO has be orchestrated by yet another sociopath Henry Arundel, over the last few months I have come to believe -without proof mind you- that Mr. Arundel is the Stalkers biggest Ally. Just think about it, last election Mr Arundel’s candidate won by less than 150 votes, for the last 4 months the USWP candidates have done nothing but urinate down their legs and America is sick of USWP picked candidates; IMO they would have lost the next elections -that is unless the Stalker controls a Top 5 party and is himself a candidate. Just ask yourself this question, ‘Who benefits the most by the Stalker controlling a Top 5 party?’; sure isn’t the Bastards of Liberty or another party besides the USWP and its twin.

One of my suggestions to Northern Exposure was to discuss eRepublik as a Community. Sadly the best example I can present involves the much loved Bia Pandora and our Stalker, yes I said our Stalker for he stalks all citizens; those he doesn’t like he stalks around the media and trolls and thinks he is funny. This is a Community and that was proven a few weeks ago when Bia made public that she had asked for and been denied the right to ignore a user, citizens of all ilks banded together to defend her raising a cry for and IGNORE button -especially in PMs. Ofc it would be so simple to remove the ability of a non-friend to PM a citizen, hell maybe we should not be asking for for something added; rather we should be asking for something to be removed. THE ABILITY FOR NON-FRIENDS TO PM A CITIZEN. Come on Admin how simple would that be, just a flip of some script and boom problem solved. I encourage all citizens New Worldwide to ask for the above removal or the addition of a PM ignore button, it is not only Bia’s safety -and after what happened to Molly Jo who can doubt that fact- it is the safety of all citizens in eRepublik; I promise there are many more stalkers out there besides our own American Brand Sociopathic Stalker. eRepublik as a community must start demanding that citizens like the Stalker be dealt with, one way of doing that is send a ticket -and I don’t mean a crap storm of worthless, ‘Hey Admin add an ignore button’, I mean well thought and reasoned tickets that explain to Admin why you feel unsafe playing eRepublik. Until the Community demands it Plato, not unlike a real deity, will not respond.

I blame it all on T-ball...Bartender, Kentucky Bourbon, neat...

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