★ Best presidential candidate from the best country in the world. :) ★

Day 1,172, 14:56 Published in United Arab Emirates Russia by Al' Capone

Its February 4 and I, as a presidential candidate of the best country in the world, think it's time to publish pre-election article. In this article I will try to write our plans to reveal the future of the UAE more widely, to talk about some of the ideas, goals and how are we going to live on.

«All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players...»

My name is Alphonse Capone. In principle, this should be enough. 🙂
However, we continue.
At the beginning, you need to understand what it really means as president? The presidency does not give as many opportunities as duties that must be followed.

The first duty - to be a friend of the people from whom you were elected. President - the person of the country, is the heart of a large, complex organism, in which everything is interconnected.
And if the president lacks the popular support if he does everything to please his own desires, then this president is doomed to fail, he will never be another. Power should be based on respect and trust, not on fear and submission. Eventually, the volcano will explode and a civil war into the country will be very difficult to suppress.

Therefore, my task is to reconcile the warring parties - ABoC and TAGE. When each party wants be only one who right, then nothing good will come of it. First and foremost, we must think about the Emirates, and then later about the personal ambitions. I hope that the enthusiasm of the TAGE players continue, even if their candidate loses, and their energy, which recently splashed out of the edges, will be directed to the right for country track.

The second duty - to build a high fence around the house, its mean - to create an army and take an active part in improving their strength, organization and military power. Only army is the guarantor of security in the country, it was them who makes our country wider, richer and weightier. Also, Army is a tool that can operate in the conduct of diplomatic negotiations. 😉

This task we solved quickly and decisively. In the first few days we created a United Defence Force, now we got 60 fighters.
My goal is increase the size of the Army until at least 100 people and make it one of the strongest armies of the «second level». I hope that members of TAGE and UAE citizens will become National Army soldiers and will defend their homeland with us.

The third duty - to cooperate a team of like-minded, working like a clock, where each of them will be responsible for his arrow. President - a post which depending on many factors. If he does not have a cohesive team, nothing good had not come out, but if it has one, then success is guaranteed. And I have it. 🙂

Minister of Defense - Kviz
vice Minister - eKorvin
vice Minister - Ghostbiker

Minister of Foreign Affairs - Gleb Rodman

Minister of Finance and Economics - Sekorashka
vice Minister - Nabros

Social Minister - Voice.

I hope that together we will make at this month a lot and much more.

And last, the fourth duty - to make the citizens feel comfortable to live in their country, create conditions for a happy, active and exciting life.
All in all, our life is a game. 🙂

Now I'd like to talk about two things - the economic and foreign policy of our country. Together with the Army, these three areas are the most important in the development of any ambitious country. About Army I was told, so must speak about main key-issues in other areas.

The economic policy of the UAE.
Our country has one of the two most important resources - iron, but, unfortunately, has no grain. In this regard, in the market we can see a shortage of grain and bread, the cost of which we can not afford. I ask all, who can, work in grain companies, thereby producing more grain, which will reduce the price of bread. We plan to increase the capacity of grain production, so we raise grain market.
But even in the presence of iron we have no weapons on the market and it needs to be corrected.

Our task is to protect and develop local business by introducing a sufficiently high, but reasonable taxes on various kinds of products and resources. For each sector should be approached separately, studying it in detail, and then introduce those taxes, which would prevent the death of the local business, but also create conditions for robust competition.
Do not forget about the course, which drops with each passing day, lower and lower. MoFI task will be to keep it in order to prevent the depreciation of the currency.

And the last thing I would like to talk about is foreign policy of the UAE.
Today, we can see that whole eWorld like a tangled skein, thread is sticking out in all directions. Rabbit is a friends of a wolf, who wants to eat the fox, although she is a mother of rabbit, and rabbit - the son of a bear, whose brother is a deer.
And all this friendly company rushed it into one side or the other, sometimes without understanding why and where it runs at all.

Therefore, I consider it expedient to gradually increase the number of friends, allies and countries which are not indifferent to us, so in future we'll get a vector, which will set our path. Emirates - free from prejudices and stereotypes country, which will always be a loyal friend, who can be relied upon. We hope that our neighbor countries will support us, «players of the big stage» pay attention to a small but loyal and ambitious country which in the future still recall «who's boss.» 😉

On that note I would like to wish all candidates good luck and let the worthy winner.