+++ Being New Isn't So Bad After All +++

Day 439, 14:41 Published in USA USA by LennyA
Please vote this up to the Top Rated articles so all citizens are aware of this!

Today, I logged on to see I had one new message. I checked my inbox, and read this message from a new citizen Ashley Tyler. Her citizen Profile can be found here.

I've Started to play this game today because my girl friends told me about it.
It all seems very cute. But all new citizens start with a very low pocket money.
Can you please help me with a donation of pocket money, please?
Sorry to bother you, fellow citizen.
Many thanks for you time. Great Game to you.
Ashley Tyler"

She really sounds so innocent and its hard not to help, right? Well, that's how I felt at first. "How interesting it is she picked me to message!" I had thought. "I must seem like a really experienced and intelligent player!" Of course, I was flattered as well.

So, what else can I do but donate a few bucks to help a newbie, right? So I went to her profile page, and hit the donate button. But first, I out of pure curiosity clicked the 'All donations' button.

Lo and behold, she has FOUR pages of donations! Now I'm thinking something completely different. More along the lines of "This isn't right" and "This doesn't seem fair". I opened up calculator. At this time, she had received a total of $467 and 1Gold, as well as lots of items, in donations- with as much as $163 from one person! I hopped on IRC, and asked if anyone else had gotten a message from her. Quite a few answered "Yes".

Now, I have nothing against helping new players, and I don't care if they message a few asking for help or some money to get started. But, when you mass PM the entire country and make more money in donations in a day, than I, a citizen of 2 months, makes in a month working, it becomes wrong, and an exploit.

And well, it works folks. Take a look here if you don't believe me. We all feel like we want to help new players. But we also feel like we need to make sure more new players stay. Especially this one, since she seems so genuinely interested in the game. And does the fact that she's a girl affect people's feelings about helping her? What about her politeness? It all contributes to us wanting to help her, and increases the amount of people who will listen, and actually donate. She also got 400 friends out of the deal. A message from those who can't donate, but would like to let her know we want to help even though we can't supply her with money. Because, we don't want to say "no" either, for fear of coming off as bad people. Its all psychology.

All of her qualities, female, innocent, flattering, interested, young, polite...They all contribute to our feelings of wanting to help her. And it all seems to perfect. At the risk of coming off as an ass, she might not even be a girl. And if she is, she's one hell of a whore. But no matter what, its still wrong.

Just days after articles pop up exclaiming the lack of jobs for new players, and preaching how we should help make the game more interesting for new players, it's starting to seem like being new just isn't so bad after all.

UPDATE: Since I created this article, she has received an additional $216. That brings the grand total of money received through donations to - *Drumroll* - a whopping 683USD!!

UPDATE #2: On day 440, at 21:23 game time, she has now accumulated over 1,000 USD. I'd recommend that you STOP DONATING.

Thanks for reading,

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