Day 1,378, 10:40 Published in Belgium Belgium by eBelgian Presidency

Dear citizens of eBelgium,

Today, Belgium has proven himself as victorious. We were able to get the Irish people away from our shores.

last flag is Polish, you can't see white on white lol

I want to thank all foreign countries who fought for us and especially: Hungary, Poland, United Kingdom and Taiwan who set our battle as Campaign of the Day! A lot of Taiwanese people got in the race for Battle Hero!

We may also not forget the BAF. 3 of the 5 people (ThomasRed, Olv007 and Jofroi) in the overall statistics were people of the Belgian Armed Forces, our National Army that is now getting more and more active thanks to a new management. The BAF did an overall damage of 8/9 million today and in UK yesterday! The BAF has proven himself effective! Indeed, we can’t compare ourselves with UM or other militias, but we are stronger then people think !

I want to thank some Irish guys who fought at our side. The CP of Ireland betrayed the Irish people and Belgium by sending false propaganda like: Belgium is Pro-One and stuff. But I can tell you this is NOT true. We are probably the most neutral country in the world! Even when TERRA/EDEN tries to conquer us, we still don’t choose to go with ONE. The Irish army denied to fight against us, and we won’t forget that! I was first very mad at all Irish people, but I’ve seen the light that not everyone are trolls in Ireland, it is probably hard for this guys to handle such a troll CP lol 😛

But once again, Belgium reached victory! After the invasion of France and UK, we were able to defeat Ireland too! This is probably the most beautiful day in my term as President!

fishbot:: NEWS - Flanders was secured by Belgium in the war versus Ireland ::

Have a nice day,

President of eBelgium