„Our desire to attack latvians” – survey results

Day 1,030, 11:02 Published in Estonia Lithuania by samanaslt

Hello Estonians, I Am writing for you again. Couple days ago I was created this survey about desire to attack eLatvia. +In this survey participated Lithuanians and Estonians

Short Statistics

A total number of people who participated in this survey - 144, from them 112 is Lithuanians, and that is 78% of all participants. The rest of people was Estonians with total number of 32, and that is 22% of all participants. For assault on latvians voted 93 peoples (65%), to not attack - 51 people. (35%).

Detailed statistics

Like I said, in this survey participated only 32 estonians, and 24 of them was voted to attack eLatvia (75😵, and only 8 to not attack (25%). Some other citizens from other countries was participated to, and selecter that they are „estonians““
2 from Latvia, voted „yes“ and „no“, opinijon – (no) „There is no need.“, (yes) „I am Latvian and I think Latvia acts stupid.. so they would deserve that“;
1 from Serbia, voted „yes“, opinion – „I like to shoot eLatvians“;
1 from USA, voted „yes“, opinion – „The spice of eLive has gotten bland. And Latvia is a fun target“

That‘s all about estonians, now we talk about lithuanians:
In this survey participated 112 lithuanians, 68 of them voted for attack (61%), and 44 people voted to not attack (39%). Some of other citizens between Lithuanian votes was participated too:
1 from Latvia, voted „no“, opinion – „Its stupid“;
1 from USA, voted „yes“, opinion – „Fun.“;
1 from Hungary, voted „yes“, opinion – „Just for fun, they deserve some punishment.“;
1 from Netherlands, voted „yes“, opinion - „its boring“;

And now I have question, why only 32 estonians participated in this survey? :/

See ya next time, just remeber – vote, and subscribe!
Hail Estonia,
Hail Lithuania,
Hail Phoenix!