[BBB] An interesting idea for Employers and Employees alike!

Day 1,248, 12:40 Published in USA USA by Rom Paul

I am extremely excited to unveil to you all an innovative idea that could greatly improve the way our economy functions, so listen the fak up business owners!

As a small business owner, I know how frustrating it is to tap the job market for employees to work in my companies. These idiots rarely work over 90 health, and if you by some miracle come across someone who works at 100 health, he usually doesn't stick around long. Jerk.

Why? Simple. Lets say that I've hired a new worker at a salary of $60. Now I'm barely makin' a profit here, so I don't dare look at the job market to see what the other guys are paying cuz it doesn't matter right? WRONG.

Joe Da Shmoe worker over here doesn't give 2 craps that you would slowly go into debt if you paid him any more than what he's getting so what does he do? He packs his junk and bounces, on to the next sucker that thinks hes the man paying out a higher salary.

Alright, so what the hell do I do? I have to pay out a salary that permits me to make a profit and at the same time is an amount that my workers will be happy with. Sounds impossible, but the solution is actually pretty simple.

I propose the creation of a Better Business Bureau [BBB]. Simply a group of business owners that offer unified salaries along with special work incentives. For example, a [BBB] tagged company would pay out a salary relevant to the market price of a product so that a profit is made, and at the same time, as long as the worker works at 100 health, he would receive 1/3 of the finished products he produced. In the case of raw materials companies, the company owner would pay out 1/3 of the price of the total RM products the worker produced.

Now, before you bite my head off, let me explain a couple of things here...

1) The salaries would be calculated by the [BBB] CFO bi-weekly (2x a week) every Monday and Friday

2) Of course, salaries would be substantially lower than job market offers, but in the end, workers would be profiting more, and company owners with a full load of employees would profit more

3) As CEO of the [BBB], I would publish the CFO's salary and incentive adjustments every Monday and Friday so that both employees and employers can see in plain English how they are both profiting more.

It's a very audacious, if not interesting idea that could work if the support was there. I'm excited to see this get off the ground and I'm not the only one.

At this time I'd like to name the Chief Financial Officer, a very talented and business minded person like myself who is MORE THAN up to this task, AngryMongolian.

I have reviewed a few spreadsheets he has sent me regarding company profit calculations and I am impressed to say the least.

This idea is very much open to discussion... I am anxious to hear what everyone thinks, good and bad. If all goes well we'd like to run a simulation and publish tomorrow a "trial run" of the program.