Day 608, 18:41 Published in Serbia Hungary by Srbin92

Dear citizens of eRepublik,
We are informing you directly from the battlefield in eUSA!

Our brave reporters maneged to take a few shots of this very brave soldiers from PEACE alliance, in a very tough moment of battle...

This was a first battle for North America...and here you can see eRussian army starting the invasion of America...theese are some older photos from the begining of the Great war...

And the battle has started with heavy casualties on the both sides...the battle...was tough...

And now, our reporters brought us some new photos, so You, citizens of eRepbulik, can see what is happening on the frontlines, inside the tranches, in a mud, dust, on rain...in this war storm...

A new battle was started in Utah,yesterday, when eRussian hellicopters, launched an air attack on the fortified bunkers, deep into the hostile teritory...

But...the eUSA army, with their allies, was prepared to defend themselves...they were...ready for fight...

But, eRusiia has allies all over the eWorld...eSerbia, eIndonesia, eHungary, eBrasil, eArgentina, eAustria, and many of other PEACE allies...they all came to help their brothers, wiht heavy tanks...

This photo was taken few houres ago, when heavy armor entered the battlefield...

Battle is now in a very uncertan moment...both sides are fighting like hungry lions...
But, many of new troops are waiting to be deployed on the frontlines of this raging war...

...this is only the begining...who is going to win...?

it is yet to be decided...