[AV] The True Introduction

Day 709, 15:39 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by AltmerVampire

Hello ladies and gents,

AV here again with the second in his campaigning series. Not that it really is a series mind, more a set of articles that may or may not convince you that I am the person you want to be running for your President.

To start with I’ll let y’all know in what order roughly I’ll be releasing my manifestos.
Bear in mind this is a rough guide, it may change…

- Military/FA
- Domestic
- Economy
- Final statement

Isn’t that fun news? So what I will be doing in this article is be viewing it as my true introduction article. The last one didn’t count, it was more a statement of intention to be perfectly honest.

Why am I running for Country President?

Change. Fairness. Neutrality of politics (I’ve lost another point, eh Ana?). Well I won’t lie about that, I am in the centre of politics (in the most literal possible way). I take both sides of the argument into consideration and choose what I believe is best for you. Because that is why I’m here. To make this game funner for everyone who plays it.

The last month, although a stable time for the UK, has been a bit uneventful really. The only fun we seemed to have had is the dances of death we’ve been sharing with Sweden. How to make more fun? By getting more involved. We aren’t a military superpower. I won’t lie to you. That does not mean we can’t help out our allies more. In the Belgian congress elections recently PEACE called out for more troops to assist in the ATO, yet we only sent several of our Special Forces over. We need to assist our allies more, prove to them that we are worthy of being called their friends. The RL UK prides itself on its honour, friendliness and courage. Lets show the world that the eUK is just as impressive.

A few of the RFA's attribute's

This campaign I have embarked upon has generated much more interest than I could ever have possibly imagined. I always believed the RFA would be standing alone in this fight against the two great powers of “Left” and “Right”. But it seems the Centre is not alone in wanting a fairer UK. Many members, both old and young, from many different parties have expressed their support of me. They believe in me. And all I can do is thank them profusely for the faith they have invested in me. I won’t let them down, no matter what it takes.

A slight speech

The UK has seen so many changes in the last months. Since Kumnaa came to power in June the country has never been the same. We were a small, neutral nation which was slipping into disrepair and began to be disrespected and hated. Then Kumnaa and his Cabinet came into power. They brought with them radical reforms, a complete change to the system of the UK government.

Kumnaa revolutionized the military, Hassan brought us into PEACE and GLaDOS began political and some military reforms. Each and every one of these presidents has made the UK the nation it is today. A nation I am proud of. I have worked with these presidents for the last few months and if I could be half as competent as any of them my work in the UK would be complete. So I’ll also go on to say; thank you. I thank all of you for the massive amount of work you’ve put in to make this country a better place. I have learnt so much from you too. Kumnaa, it was your government which I changed from a newbie to a contributing member of the government. Hassan, you and GF brought me into Foreign Affairs, encouraged me and nurtured me. Without you both I wouldn’t be here. GLaDOS, youhad confidence in me and made me your Minister of Foreign Affairs, you gave me advice, mentored me in the ways of politics and the world. Thank you all.

So why have I spent so long talking about the past presidents in my manifesto asking to be our next president? Because I have learnt from the mistakes and the success of our predecessors. I know what is needed, how to achieve it and how to keep our nation going to the best of my ability. I won’t say I definitely won’t make a mistake or two. I will do my utmost to not fail you. I will never lie in that regards. We are all human, but it’s not a failing to admit that. So if any of my competitors try to tell you that they will always make the right move; think about it.

I will fight for the man who doesn’t want party politics to get in the way of the UK. I will fight for the guy who doesn’t care about the silly arguments between the left and the right of the UK. I will fight for unity, for you.

UK, we’ve been through troubled times. We’ve came out on top of them and we are flowing with the waves. Lets show the world just how good we can be. Together.

I will be here for you when you need me. I will be around to help you. I will help you. So please, if it so pleases you and you like what you will read in the coming days, vote AV. Thank you 🙂

That sounds cheesy doesn’t it? Meh, it’s true. And I’ll never hide the fact. Now I think I’ll leave it at this for tonight, don’t want to bore anyone. So, until tomorrow peeps! In the meantime, if you wanna ask any questions about my campaign, wanna help out or have any problems whatsoever, please feel free to PM me 🙂

Thanks guys,