[AV] An Update

Day 831, 07:46 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by AltmerVampire

Sup UK,

So here we are, less than a week until the Presidential elections between myself and Karacticus, and a few other smaller party members. The election has begun to heat up, with avatars and banners flying around everywhere, so I’ll take this opportunity, to wish Kara the best of luck in the campaign. No matter what happens, the UK won’t have made a mistake.

So I’m going to use this article for a variety of things. Firstly, I want to thank everyone who has supported me so far, from all parties. Your support means a lot to me and together we can and will do this.

Secondly, I’ll let you know what I expect from any ministers applying (applications are open here). I’m a bit like Dish in that I will take no crap. You will do your jobs, and if I have any input or want you to do something, I will be fully expecting you to do it. All I ask is that you work to the best of your ability and then we’ll get along swimmingly. Not all of you will be accepted, and I ask that if you aren’t successful in your bid, please apply to the relevant Minister for an apprenticeship or to be an Under Minister.

Thirdly, I’ll state more on why I am running. I am running to make a change in the UK. To rebuild the fun of Hassan and Kumnaa’s terms as I have stated before. The UK needs to focus on every member of our nation enjoying themselves, no matter how that is done.

Efficiency, activity and experience. Three traits I hope the UK will come to recognize in me in the coming month. No matter whether you agree with me or not, I hope you will see I can do this job well, and I have every intention of not letting the UK and my supporters down in their faith in me.

This term, I’ll be largely focussing on education and communication. Dish made a good go of communication in his two terms, and I aim to expand and improve upon this. As for education, nothing is more important than making sure we have bright new players constantly climbing the ranks of our society and staying active in our great country. As such, I will ensure the UK has everything in place that is necessary to keep as many of our new players as possible.

Fourthly, I’ll announce my Vice President. As many of you will point out, my strengths in this game are the Military, and Foreign Affairs. So I decided, in my Vice President, I’d seek someone who could balance myself out, with expertise in Domestic Affairs and some knowledge to add to my own on Economics. So I am pleased to announce John Bartlett, will be my VP.

JB has been two times the Minister of Legislative Affairs, he has worked in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Home Affairs and almost certainly a variety of other things. He is a loyal, experienced citizen, and has sat on the House of Lords for an incredibly long time. He is a loved citizen of the UK and, quite frankly, there is no one I would trust more, or like more to be by my side in the coming month.

So I believe that is everything I need to say in this article. The first manifesto (Military and Foreign Affairs) will be released tomorrow if all goes to plan. So thank you very much for reading UK, and please, apply here for Cabinet.

Your candidate.