[Aurora] New HQ, New Era...

Day 2,568, 15:39 Published in Chile Chile by Andes HQ

Hello eWorld,
last few days we’ve seen many great battles around the world, in some of them our alliance was successful and in some of them we had some success and in some of them we lost. Considering our size and the fact we’re left alone most of the time in our opinion we did fine. Not perfect, but fine.

What’s more important we’re still sticking to what makes us special. No matter how smaller and weaker we are, we still try so hard for each other. Trust me, I’ve been in the center of Aurora for a long time and at this moment, I can say that things haven’t been this good since pre-summer time. We’re not winning all the battles, but we’re trying so hard for each other. We don’t ask for CO, we don’t ask for tanks...we fight!

Aurora has something others will never have again. Since the time of EDEN and Phoenix there was no real brotherhoods, at least not real strong brotherhoods in this game and as much as pathetic this word sounds it’s what make us special, stronger than others, more stable and ready to give our best to fight for our friend, our ally, our brother. We have had so many offers to disband the alliance, our members had so many offers to join the stronger side and none of them haven’t been accepted so far. Why would you lose something which makes this game special? What do we need? Resources? Or the passion fighting for each other, celebrating those victories we have, having to try harder than others to win. That’s what once made this game special for everyone and now only the few can feel it.

Last week we’ve had new HQ elections in Aurora. The new HQ will now face the hard organising whole alliance and making us lot more effective than we used to be. We all hope they will be successul. I’d like to present you the new dream team of Aurora:

Secretary General - Demon Lee ; dSG: An Sluagh ; dSG Nehuen society
Supreme Commander - Enrique 10, dSC: Wafrey ; dSC:
Public Relations - Don Croata ; dPR: Lalo292

Let’s all wish them luck in future challenges!

Our goals and hopes..
We’re currently working on establishing better organisation and increase communication between the members, we’re trying to return to the time when every Aurora soldier knew where he need to fight several days before the battle starts. We can’t do much without our Military Unit Commanders, our soldiers, our citizens, our money makers, Aurora are all of these people, every Aurora soldier who doesn’t require CO to fight for its ally, every Aurora soldier which doesn’t ask where supplies are, each Aurora’s citizen who writes an articles, we are all Aurora! Aurora is our family, our love and the reason we’re playing, it symbolises our friends, our country and strenght, pride to resist and motive to play. Let’s take care of our family!

To conclude the article, our new Supreme Commander wanted to tell few words to Aurora soldiers:

"Quiero empezar citando lo siguiente...

"La libertad no es un fin, es un medio para desarrollar nuestras fuerzas."

Es momento que desarrollemos nuestras fuerzas, nuestro potencial, tenemos la mejor hermandad que podría existir en el eMundo, hemos demostrado que tenemos un gran potencial solo debemos desarrollarlo como dije en el principio, es nuestro momento, tengamos fe, tengamos esperanzas, AURORA es el momento de la victoria es nuestro momento, sepamos aprovechar hasta lo mas mínimo, y recuerden sobre todo nuestros ideales...

¡Libertad, Lealtad y Dignidad!
