[AtlasNews] Political Communities

Day 1,697, 06:28 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by ApronChef

Political Communities

Political parties are one of the two largest community builders of eRepublik. [The other being Military Units]

What makes a successful political community?

There are several essential pieces to building a successful political community, namely: communication, ease of talking [being allowed to talk freely, without judgement, excluding debate and calm argument] and a connection above politics; meaning, you aren’t just connected politically, but are united through common goals and/or friendship.

Now to explain each factor [minus a few] individually and how they add to a political community.

Communication: Able to speak with each other freely, with limited spamming/trolling, yet civil banter and cheekily annoying one another is okay, as long as all people involved understand its merely for fun and not a serious insult to one another. Communication is both important in an internal way, and an external way, as you won’t get very far in spreading your views on the political table if you don’t talk to people outside of your political community.

The right words can build a world, the wrong words will get you nothing.

Friendship: Having a link of friendship without just relying on a political connection can save a political community during its ‘boring’ stages, sometimes nothing happens in politics, and you need something to do until something happens. Having friends in a political community can both be a saviour and an asset you cannot afford to lose.

Friendship; It works even in the opposites.

Common Goal(s): Having a common goal or common set of goals, is close to the core of what a political community relies on. It brings the members of the political community together. [mainly political parties] It enforces a sense of unison, both in ideas and spirit.

Build it together, not apart.

Ease of talking: Talking to each other without vile arguments or sour debates can create an atmosphere people wish to be a part of and remain a part of.

Atmosphere: Very crucial to have an atmosphere people can both relax and engage in.

It will choke you, or save you.

Energy: Having a buzz of energy can push a political community to the far edges of success and beyond. Yet too much energy can actually drown and destroy the community, a perfect balance is required.

It will power you, or drain you.

Inclusive & Exclusive: The hard fact with both inclusive and exclusive political communities is that they both work.

Inclusive works on a large scale of including all players of all abilities to work together for a common goal or a common set of goals, and even some unrelated goals.

The exclusive can work on a small to medium scale, even though it has the limitation of not bringing all characteristics to the table, it does bring together those with a very common mind set, mostly on a common goal or common set of goals.

A political community relies on all the factors above and many more. But what can a political community do to achieve all or a few of the above?

First, why does the political community need to exist? To bring about change? To group together like minded people that are currently uncatered for or need something new to suit their needs?

To join people together, is/should be the first and highest priority of any political community, and any community for that fact.

What do people say about the political party communities in the eUK?


[PP of ESO] BigAnt: “- Vibrant, Warm, and Fun - A close community, who aspire to help each other no matter the cost”

Elle Roslin: “ESO is one of those rare groups where people care about what happens with you beyond how you are immediately useful or interesting to them. It is a generous and friendly group where I honestly feel a strong sense of mutual loyalty and commitment to defending and supporting one another. Part of this is built on trust and the willingness to take a chance. All people are accepted, and it always fills me with pride to see them welcomed without malice so that they can find a place and take enjoyment from the game. In essence, I think ESO is about being true to self and building camaraderie and common purpose with others who are wonderfully diverse and uniquely talented in their own ways”

Rawdon: “A pleasant, active and welcoming community.”

Kamikaze Kelvin: “Hm I’d say friendly, funny, weird cause of that Llort guy, some people are too attached to the party”

BlueAndEvil: “A little bewildering at times, but very friendly and always fun to chat with.”

FragUK: “ESO has a nice communtity with everyone willing to help each other at all times.”

TitanSmash: “Freakin amazing! It’s so entertaining and funny. It’s very welcoming,and friendly.”

Rodney Mckay: “Diverse, and wholly wacky.”

JamesB009: “AMESOME!”

N W G: “A vibrant mix of views and opinions striving to make the eUK a better place to be.”

Pathogen: “Friendly, Helpful, Sexy ”


[PP of UKPP] Garth Lidlington: overall quite friendly, the #ukpp channel isn't taken seriously at all. the community is normally in the navy channel , there are a couple of strange characters, but other than that usually alright.

Wanyekerr: “Fun, laid back and helpful”

Baroness Margaret Thatcher: “UKPP is full of odd but friendly individuals,We have a good joke around and regularly discuss eRepublik issues”


[PP of TUP] Talon Karrde: “Intelligent, helpful and fun”.

Sigfred Zachariasen: “I think it's a good mix of new and experienced players. Ideas are always more than welcome, and if you are willing to put in the work everything is possible.”


[PP of UKRP] Thorrol😛 “As someone who has been in the UKRP community for over two years, I've seen it change and evolve over that period. Until recently, we were in a down spot for our community and there wasn't really one there. Now, however, things have changed and the UKRP community of today is something much closer than what we've had before. Everyone within the party gets along, and recently we've increasingly seen speaking and debating about all sorts of things, which greatly strengthens the community aspect that is growing. The community of old that made the UK Reform Party such a great place to be is certainly making a return with friendly, active people that are always around to help out and get involved. The new players that have joined our community in the last few weeks, or older players but have returned and from my perspective have fitted in as if they've been here as long as some others of us.”

Kcirp: “Small but active”

eUK Gov:

Boer Charel: “Well, the government is very noob-friendly and always is watching out for people looking for a nice job to help their country. As I'm helping out in two branches (MoD & MoFA), I tend to say they really appreciate your help and also coordinate you were needed. They understand that they have to learn you something before you can have 100 % productivity, that's why they designed very nice tutorials for every kind of help in every ministry”

Pathogen: “Alot of room for improvement, namely its community. There is a lack of communication in general for the whole of eUK. [He confirmed this lack of communication does not spread to and within his party; ESO]”

What is obvious between these two views is that, they are both from trusted players, who don’t say stuff for no reason. So it is hard to decide whether one is right and one is wrong, which is impossible, for nothing is right or wrong, merely acceptable or unacceptable.

They both have had different experiences within eUKs Government, yet one thing could be causing such a large difference, Boer could be afraid of negatives caused by negative words, or maybe he is not. It’s hard to set down a template for opinions to ease analysis, as a template could be biased in some form and cause concern that a specific outcome is being encouraged.

The overall outcome of the people I asked, was one simple and bold statement: “Our eGovernment needs to improve in multiple areas; communication, activeness, friendliness and in several other minor areas.” [5 out of the 7 people asked said it needed improvements, and 1 out of 7 said they felt alienated, and 1 out of 7 said it was fine]

The moral of the story that everyone has to take into account:

A community of any sort is difficult and time consuming to run and keep alive, yet so easy to neglect and pull it apart, destroy to narrow it down further.

To successfully create a political community, there must be people willing to do the time consuming jobs, or split those jobs up, it will be difficult, it will be like you want to rage sometimes. But you can achieve your goals of establishing a political community as long as you put the required time into it, and your members do the same. For a community is a team effort, one player cannot carry the rest of the community on their shoulders all the time.

There quotes summarise everything a community is:

“Simply being with other people who are also seekers and who are involved in the same quest you are is very meaningful.” ~ Dan Wakefield.

“We are in community each time we find a place where we belong.” ~ Peter F. Block

“What cannot be achieved in one lifetime will happen when one lifetime is joined to another.” ~ Harold Kushner

“Communication leads to community, that is, to understanding, intimacy and mutual valuing.” ~ Rollo May

And for a old friend who players eRepublik, and used the name of a man of wisdom:

“I am of the opinion that my life belongs to the community, and as long as I live it is my privilege to do for it whatever I can.” ~ George Bernard Shaw

I hope this sheds light on political communities.

Thankyou for reading Atlas News, please comment below what you thought of the article, or feel free to PM me feedback.

Lots of Love;