[ARMY] Army Reborn!

Day 2,304, 17:38 Published in USA USA by blondeninja

Army, a Branch Reborn


The US Army has a very rich and amazing history, both IRL and in erep. However, in erep, it has seen a significant drop in activity and community. This is obviously a major issue. This is where I come in; as some may know I very recently resigned from the duty of USTC Commanding Officer, and have move to take over the US Army as CO to bring it back from this lack of activity. I’m excited, and we have a long road in front of us.

What this means is that the Army is coming back from being dead. And you should join! You might ask why; simply put the revival is going to be awesome fun. And you will get your place in a great MU with lots of hit potential and a great supply system. We have some officer spots open if thats your thing and we still maintained some active members. To boot the Army MU is kicking at over 1000 (not 9000 I know) members, and we’re moving more of them to the forums and irc every day.

The Army was an amazing community of dedicated fighters, and awesome people. Granted it has certainly lost some steam it is nothing that we can’t build back again. With the help of the remaining officers, and the work from myself; we can bring Army to greatness. And you can be part of this. You could get daily supplies and valuable war information daily, you could be part of this fun growing community. It’s very easy to join. Simply apply here, and we’ll take care of the rest!!

Join the Army, be a part of something great.


o7 Gen. Blondeninja