^*^*April Congressional Update: CWC*^*^

Day 516, 11:38 Published in USA USA by changewillcome

Hello there I am Changewillcome, Co-PP of AAP, Senator of MA and Budget Committee member. My proposals on euforum.com was buying constructions, and adjusting taxes. I took part in many tax debates. I join in for just about every Infrastructure debate. I enjoy every monument of being a congressman.

Furthermore, I gain some enjoyment from being part of the budget committee. Congress successfully passed the JCS Budget. The JCS budget sets aside more money for Marines and NG in contrast with CBC. Although the JCS budget has less funding for Infrastructure I still voted for the JCS Budget because I believe the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. Here is the link to both the JSC and CBC budgets:

One thing that depends on the budget is taxes. Dbuck2001, passed a proposal to increase import tax on food by 3%. I voted for this because I believe this will help the eusa business but at the same time not harm the overseas business too much. I placed two proposals to lower income tax to 15% in weapons and hospitals. The reason these proposals failed to get five approves was because congress wants to keep the income tax flat across the board.

Another thing that affects taxes is Infrastructure. One of the most talked about debate was the kyle321n eight Q5 hospital deal. The deal failed mainly because it called for a large amount of money to be transferred to kyle upfront to pay for his upgrade to Q5 and the number of Hospitals being bought. I made my own proposal Q5 defense system for Florida. This failed because critics believe do to the cost and small gain from upgrading from Q4 to Q5 was not worth the cost.

Nonetheless, Infrastructure is an important topic but so are taxes and budgets. I learned budget affects taxes. Congress would prefer that a tax plan be approved instead of manual changing taxes in each industry. Sadly there was no mutual agreement on most of the Infrastructure proposals this term every has their own theory on were Infrastructure should be placed. Aside from that I don’t really have anything else negative to say about congress, I enjoyed my stay.


Co-PP of AAP
Senator of MA
AAP's Congressional Planning Committee Director

PS: Voting records can found here:

My voting record sheet (I update this more often):
