[AP]-Updates, hawt gurlz inside for you tl;dr people

Day 1,225, 18:01 Published in Philippines USA by Aren Perry

Well this will probably be my second to last article as CP. Lately, in real life, I've been busy hacking away at my thesis and saving the real world for awhile. We've got a lot of news bulletins that need to be stated so that everyone is kept up to date with the latest information.

Defense Systems

Some long overdue thanks goes to Elmiejr, who has donated Q1 defense systems to our nation. I don't know exactly how many, but five I believe (perhaps even more). I and all of the PH appreciate his generosity in this matter. We now have at least one defense system in every region. Thanks Elmie!


Coming to the lovely shores of the Philippines, in the distance, the man is pointing to a hot girl in a bikini, what hot girl you say? You can't see her?

That one!

....so back to immigration....

While the jury is still out on how we are officially accepting people on the forum, we have officially decided with a strong majority vote on the forum that the TMG players will be accepted. At current, their numbers rank swell 5-8 players and they have genuine intentions about coming here. I hope that they become a productive and accepted part of our lovely e-society, and that their group ventures will carry out well within the confines of our nation which we will have together as one people. I ask that the head of NICA begin accepting these applications and those of others and suggesting to congressman that they us their cs passes appropriately on these and other qualified individuals seeking to get into our nation.

Also, two members who recently joined our nation who deserved note are Jude Connors and DisDick. Jude is a ST6 member, former military LTC in the US Army, and Commander of the former SFP Calvary. He's a great guy and I can't wait to see his energy in our military as a leader but also in our politics as well.

Disdick is a self-proclaimed old fart, which puts him in league with the likes of PiginZen. Need I say more? We love our old farts around here.

To all people who want to find a friendly and super-awesome country to live, you should all apply in our forum and also introduce yourself in the introduction area. I really hope to bring more people into our nation this month and increase our strength and ability to be a small but mighty world presence in erepublik.


A more sensible tax structure is being worked out in congress. I hope to see the beginnings of a good and agreed on tax structure in congress before my term is out, and with the help of Revilo X we just may see that. Revilo has been actively pushing these things forward, including a vote on who will be speaker of the house (which if I am not mistaken he is currently winning). The next president will be very lucky to have Revilo as Speaker of the House, in my opinion.

I believe the latest proposition has import taxes at 5% across the board, which is the most important aspect. With recent changes in the economy, income taxes mean much less than they used to and VAT taxes also bring in less, though still a worthy means of income (relatively). Therefore, the big debate has always been about import taxes and whether to open our market up to the big-world around us. I support this idea, personally.


On the forum the idea was raised of starting up our own ambassador program (by Iliyan for the record, thanks Iliyan for the suggestion!), and we shall indeed do so. I would just like to say such participation in government with ideas and suggestions are what I would love to see more in our forums and also directly by PM. Activity and ingenuity will make us awesome!!

The ambassadors shall take regions as opposed to specific countries so that we can cover more territory, and the program will be run by the MoFa, whoever he or she is at current. I know we already have one ambassador, and most likely two, but please contact myself or Myung Kei if you wish to be a part of our start up program.

When it comes to being an ambassador, it was one of the first things I ever did in erepublik. It was a great experience and I really enjoyed learning about other people outside of my nation and real life culture as well.

In my case, the language was a barrier (Turkey), but overall the people were nice, friendly, and really gave me a reason to be around. If you want to get involved, it's a great place to get your feet wet as a new person or experience the world around as an 'oldie' too.

edit: All those interested sign up here!


I am really proud of our marines, as they have been non-stop busy traveling the world and helping our friends in Austria and the Republic of China win strategic battles important for their survival and protection. They are lead by who I have found a very capable leader Angelini and staying on task with bringing organization, leadership, and supplies to our troop.

The experience is great and I hope that more people decide to join our military to understand the experience of being a part of a group. We have our own irc channel, #afp on rizon, and I would like to see more of us on there in the military chatting it up together. If you want to join, contact me or Berritas!

I want to thank Hekter for finding us battles to fight in and connections with friendly nations around the world. The connections we make by fighting for others strengthens our international ties so that, when we are in need in the future, they will remember us and the fact that we have helped them, and help us. These are ties that I hope will develop our international presence in erepublik. These are the ties that will make our nation great. These are the ties that will make ePH the sharpest and strongest small country in erepublik.

I also want give a thank you to Berritas for being very on top of leading our military in the recent weeks. It has been a joint effort between me, PiZ, and "berr" as I like to call him running our military operations, but Berr has really picked it up this past week and has been awesome.

World News, Game Updates

Thanks to our admins missions expect people to buy lots and lots of food this coming three days, most likely draining our market. No one will starve, but prices should be expecting an increase very soon and very sharply, and thankfully for a very short period of time.

The most confusing thing for me is that the missions do not state what their prizes are. If anyone figures these out, please let me and everyone else know so we know what to expect if we actually managed to kill 50 people. Everyone with the upgrade to companies is clamoring for gold, so expect to see even your president begging others for loans 🙂. Any loan sharks out there can make a profit right about now!!! (contact me!!) 🙂

In terms of world news, it is no small secret that our world has blown up and the world is at war with Poland, Spain, and Serbia, it seems. We will benefit from our MPP with the USA in the way of free RAWR and at a good time too, with these new missions at hand.

Turkey is also free again and ready to roar, adding a new worry to the list for Eden and Terra. We here are pretty safe from any flak and are living in a period of relative peace with no demands from any nation to walk across our land nor any nation that appears to want us dead. Comfortable, and securely fighting through our MPP with the USA and also fighting around the world with our military units.

I'm lovin' it. Let's use this time to sharpen our blades and become a sharper nation, economically and politically! Onward men (and womenz)!

Live Long and Prosper!

President Aren Perry

WHAM an ending picture too 😃