[Announcement] Launching of Food Company Sharing

Day 1,291, 14:44 Published in Japan Japan by Ecka Stealer of Cows

The companies in the NBoJ are going to go away, but there is still an opportunity to get products for your work.

Work for Exreality:
Get 30 Q5 food each day.
Earn 1 JPY in salary.
Extra food will be used to cover food raw materials and to cover lower skilled players.

Food is a strong weapon by itself.

This will help players rank up faster by being able to fight everyday. Those who already make enough food to cover their daily fights can still work here. The 30 food is valued around where top wages are.

Working for exreality's food is not required. Members of the JIA are obligated to fight where they are ordered to fight. Even though the tank companies are going away, tanks will still be provided weekly.
