"and in this guide we demonstrate how to cheat"

Day 512, 18:46 Published in Australia Australia by Alex Australis

Australian Warlord has levelled a very serious charge against me stating that I created a guide on how to cheat or create multi’s in the game.

Yet at no point has he offered up the source he is using to come up with these claims, why not? Well if he does it would expose just how far fetched the accusations are, it would expose the stretch of truth he is trying to take people on in an effort to discredit people to get his way.

The fact’s: There was a forum post on the old boards about a GM who suspected that some of his workers were in fact multi accounts, he asked how you could tell and be sure, I did some research and gave my proof that I thought they were multi accounts and other members said methods they used to check multi accounts.

One member foolishly asked the consequences of creating a multi account and what the likely hood of being caught out was and another very foolish member told him there was none. I then interjected with “And in this guide we demonstrate how to cheat” in an effort of sarcasm to show them what they were leading up to with their talks. AW has decided to use this quote without given the context in which it appears making it look like I created some kind of guide on cheating in the game.

The thread finishes with some edits as 1 member of parliament exposed a name that the senate was investigating at the time as this person was suspected of being a multi with a so the senators asked it to be removed. AW took this to mean that the parliament themselves was in on the alleged guide AW thinks was created.

So there it is, the actual facts, I would just like to remind people that we are dealing with a very paranoid person here who likes to see conspiracies around every corner, he might be wearing a cowboy hat but it is only to cover the tin foil hat he has on underneath.

On a lsat note, I would like for the Admins of the old boards to release the thread so people can see the proof for themselves and see how out of context AW really is and the level he will sink to.