[Anant4CP] The Judgement Day

Day 1,292, 12:49 Published in India India by Lord Bernin

Hello again friends,

The title says it all. This is the last article of my campaign and I will sum up everything in this one without lots of pics to make it short. 😃

"Politics isn't about a single party, nor is it about feelings, its about who's better" - RD1234

What all I have done till date-

1) 14 times Congress member.

2) 2 times Party President ( Last term Yuuva and 1st President of Democratic Party of India)

3) Minister of Internal Affairs in David Forde's term.

4) Served as ambassador in all continents except Antarctica 😉

5) Present Director of Indian News Agency

6) 2 times President contender.

7) Co-Founder of the Tricolor Group

😎 Traveled all over the New World

My major goals for this term will be-

1) Organizing wars to remove the boredom of people. Retention of players is more important than getting new players.

2) Maintaining a stable, disciplined and active army.

3) Involving maximum number of citizens in running the government by setting up positions for Secretaries to each Department to make future ministers ready for their term.

4) Initializing the Bharat Ratna awards. I proposed this last time too but I was not elected 🙁

Bharat Ratna looks like this 😉 -

There will be 3 awards, 1 each in the following categories:

i) Best writer (1000 INR)
ii) Best Social Worker (1500 INR)
iii) Best Planner (3 gold)===> I am open to receiving advice from people throughout my term.

The first 2 awards will be judged by an appointed jury without my intervention.

5) Setting up an emergency INR fund of 80,000 INR to be used in case the country falls and needs INR to start Resistance Wars. This will be sufficient to start 8 Resistance Wars.

6) Setting up a Newbie training center which will have my Q5 food company and other government resources at its disposal. (Proposed by my dear Bulgarian friend Svobodna)

7) Getting a team to advertise the game on Indian sites like zapak.com , bharatstudent.com, in.com, ibibo.com . Also making a video about eIndia and posting it on youtube.

😎 Make this term different from the last 2 terms. I was bored really and do not want you all to be now.

My Cabinet-

Vice President

Presidential Advisor and Defence Planner
David Forde
😃 The mystery surrounding this position is no longer a secret. Ladies and gentlemen, it is the one and only DAVID FORDE.

Minister of Finance

Deputy Minister of Finance

Minister of Defence
Rahul k

Deputy Minister of Defence
Rachit Karwade

Minister of Foreign Affairs
Dharma Vardhan

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs
Andrez Cooper

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs

Minister of Expansion

Deputy Minister of Expansion

Deputy Minister of Expansion

Deputy Minister of Expansion

Minister of Media and Culture
Shakti Rocks

Deputy Minister of Media and Culture

New Citizen Retention Head

Minister of Internal Affairs

Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs

Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs
Master Sree Likith1

Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs

My Goals Elaborated

Newbie Retention Center

My TOP priority this term would be to get us a baby boom. That is the only thing which can make us strong. No one will disagree on this. 😃
We not only have to get newbies but also have to retain them. I have myself trained many newbies and made them reach greater heights (even greater than me 😛 ). The best Example is Ashwamedh. I am proud that I was his mentor. I have set up a massive Ministry of Internal Affairs which will guide newbies when they join. Also I have a big team in Ministry of Expansion which will work to advertise eRepublik on popular Indian sites. This is vacation time and perhaps the best opportunity for us to bag players. I do not want to miss it. I hope this massive team will be a success.

Citizenship Squad

I have also planned a special Citizenship squad with xKickJr as its head. This department will do the citizenship tests for all applicants. This is necessary because we have a small population. Specific details will be given when the time is right. All the necessary details have already been provided to the person in-charge 😃

Training War and Natural Enemy Bonus

As of now, we have common borders with China, Pakistan, Iran and Indonesia. Whoever is elected President in these countries, I will talk to him to arrange Training Wars. Right now I prefer Indonesia but will have to talk with them. I am in the process of contacting my fellow CP candidates there. If everything goes fine, eIndia may witness a historic Training War and region sharing with eIndonesia.

Foreign Affairs

I would like to assert that my stand on Foreign relations will be NEUTRAL. My Government will maintain peaceful relations with all friendly nations. Also, I will stand with Bulgaria, Romania and Croatia always not because they are in EDEN but because they have always supported eIndia in every way since V1 days. As far as eUS is concerned, I am not willing to either befriend them or to ignore them. Lets see where events take us. I am also highly inclined to improving our relations with Indonesia and Iran and wish to take them to new heights.

India-Pakistan Relations

Finally, I would like to declare my stand on the much awaited topic, this term's India-Pak fiasco. I have never supported India's decision to use the Training War as it was did. I know India was in a peculiar situation and had little choices but still what was done was not fair. I even expressed my feelings by commenting on Kualkerr's article. I was highly disappointed by this event. The way it was handled was not good. Even I did not have any information about it till the deal was actually implemented. It would be hard to rectify this mistake and build up relations with Pakistan again but I am whole heartedly willing to improve relations with Pakistan.

Economic Crisis

As everyone knows, Monetary Markets are crashing everywhere and it is a tough time for everyone. My take on that is to have a great person in-charge. For that particular reason, I have appointed the mighty shail.back as the Minister of Finance. I am sure he has the capability to se things right. Being practical, bringing INR around 100 for 1 gold might not be possible but still I will prevent the crashing on market so that investor confidence is maintained.

Finally, I would like to say Vote for me on 5th June for a better eIndia and a better future of eIndia.

PS: If you support me then please shout the link of this article. 🙂

~Anant Singhal
Presidential Candidate
.....Changing the way eIndia thinks.....