-An evaluation of the current Situation-

Day 1,047, 03:08 Published in India India by Enigma1990

After our former president come2findu let Serbia through India, Diplomatic relationship with our neighbors is collapsing. It is being said that c2f's account has been hacked, see last shout : http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/2980197. He has been inactive since then. Our actions have put our neighbors Malaysia and Thailand in danger of losing their country. Most of our congress was against this proposal from Serbia, but the president accepted and let Serbia through (Probably a hack from Serbian citizens). An alliance was proposed with Hungary (23-1) and a peace proposal with Serbia (Vote - 19-4), these series of events have made us look pro-phoenix to Eden and USA,The peace proposal shouldn't have been accepted. Our Southeast Asian friends have helped us a number of times during PTO, The island strategy in which ePhilippines swapped with eIndia is a good example of this. We need to think of a solution to end this problem, by declaring war against Serbia or helping our neighbors against Serbia, ACT NOW, for eIndia
