[AMP] Weekly Recruitment Rewards

Day 2,431, 20:25 Published in USA USA by Frank1296

Hello everyone, my name is Frank1296. I've been asked to spearhead my first big project called Weekly Recruitment Contests or WRC. These contests will be held over the next four weeks and each week a different activity will take place. The goal of these contests will be not just to get everyone involved in the party who isn't already, but it's also a good way to get out information about the party to those who are looking for one or want to switch.


Pep Rally Articles 7/19 - 7/25
MM Rewards 7/26 - 8/1
Most Creative Shout 8/2 - 8/8
Most Referrals 8/9 - 8/15

The first activity that will take place is Pep Rally Articles. These articles will kill two birds with one stone: Get our party AMP'd up and tell everyone else about what makes our party unique and great.

How will this work:

The first activity will start on the 19th of July and ends on 25th. Starting on the 19th you will post links to your articles in the comments below. On the 26th an article will be posted announcing the the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places of the last activity, and explaining the new one in addition to that. It will be repeated like this for the duration of the program.

Winners will be determined by if they followed the requirements and how much their article gets people AMP'd up.


1st Place - 10 Gold
2nd Place - 7 Gold
3rd Place - 5 Gold


1. Must be a pep rally article getting AMP, AMP'd up and telling everyone what makes us different.

2. Must be 200 words at least.

Tl;dr?(Too lazy, didn't read?)
Write an AMP'd up article. No less than 200 words.

✯✯✯ Feel the AMPS! ✯✯✯
