[AMP] Thank you AMP!!!!

Day 2,734, 10:53 Published in USA USA by BeachBro

Thank you so Much AMP!!!! I am so happy, honored, proud, and excited to be the Party President of the American Military Party this month. I thank you all so much for putting your trust in me. I wont let you down. Gosh I am so excited.

Now what to do what to do as the Party President. Right now I have the daunting task of cleaning out Beermans desk.

I don't think he had enough to drink y'all. He said that was one days worth too. To each his own I guess. After I clean up this desk however its on to business. So what are my plans this month.

Id say my main goal that I want to accomplish is activity. I plan to be active in the media with a couple of ideas for the coming month in the realm of games and many many other fun things. This is a game after all!

I also plan to try and get more members of the AMP into Congress. That does require some of you getting off your booties and applying to Congress. I encourage anyone that is interested message me and ask me any questions or voice their concerns. Have your voice be heard. And what a better place then Congress. It is where I made my first political start.

Also come join us on the forums. We would love to have you all there. Request access and join us in on the forums. We would love to have you.

Anyone who requests hereherewith the word Awesome gets 20 Q7 tanks. This will only last for the next week. SO come on down and join us. I am sure you wont regret it.

Who wants to become involved in the party? I am sure there has to be some of you out there who want to get involved and help. Lets gets this party hoppin again. I am a Bunny after all and I cant be at a party that isn't hoppin. So if you want to become involved in the party just message me. I am open to any idea as long as it doesn't involve Elmer. We aren't on speaking term.

Thank you again AMP! I will not let you down!

- Queen of Awesome
- AMP Party President