[Alliances]A History of Alliances - V3

Day 675, 17:48 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Dishmcds
In Previous articles, we've covered the foundation of alliances back in Beta, through ATLANTIS and PEACE. In this article, we'll cover the misc. events that happened around the World which brought various countries to each side, Germany, Denmark/Russia/Finland, the Invasion of the Czech Republic, and a few planned invasions that never happened.

To read the other two articles you can catch them here:

Volume 1
Volume 2

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Australia - The Land Down Under

Australia was one of the earliest countries to be occupied completely when it was invaded by Indonesia early after the War Module was released. Indonesia, admitted openly that it really only wanted to test the War Module. Rumors spread that the "Australian President insulted the Indonesian President's ability to speak English", which "started the war". Indonesia, as it has always done, was very open and accepting to sportsmanship when other countries got involved in sending troops to Australia's aide, and said that they would gladly accept the challenge. Most of the early battles were won fairly easily, the last was the hardest (which, admittedly I am a little forgetful as I can't remember which region it was), where Mobile Troops and armies from all over were dispatched to try and save Australia.


Many of the Former Australian (or younger Australian, depending on when they were born, be it pre or post conflict) sought exile in the United Kingdom, the United States, and Canada. Cottus Arci, one of the more notable Australians, even won Presidency in Canada multiple times before Australia was freed (he also won elections in Australia afterwards, if I recall correctly), before moving about the Globe.

During the transition to V1, and the release of the Fight for Freedom Module, Australia planned a Resistance with ATLANTIS friendly countries. This failed for two reasons:

1. In a one on one battle, regardless of which country it is, Resistance Wars are very tough to win unless you have a large group of mobile, high rank/strength players to fight. On only a few occasions have RW's been successful in a case such as Australia, where a much smaller country has won their independance in any form, other than negotiations (Spain does not count, as it is a fairly large country, as is Canada).

2. Zaney, largely considered of the oldest and more "fatherly" figures in eAustralian History, started the war 24 hours early because of a time zone confusion. No one had their troops in place, Indonesia quickly recognised the threat, and put it to sleep.

Once those failed, Australia chose to resume talks with Indonesia, which have been largely successful in terms of giving Independance back to the Aussies. Many countries labeled Indonesia as imperialist because of this.

European Dominos - Anyone want Pizza?

Europe became a hotspot as soon as the War Module released as well, with quite a few wars popping up.

Slovakia's President, without consulting his people, declared war into the Czech Republic. The result was that the Czech Republic actually conquered Slovakia, which remained for quite some time. Belgium also merged with the United Kingdom (disputed by some, but overall most Belgians were happy within the UK), which ended quickly. Turkey conquered Israel (long last effects, for certain), Hungary invaded the Czech Republic (this was largely over the Slovakian regions, as Hungary held that it belonged to them for historical reasons and CR held that they had conquered it fair and square), which after was all said and done Hungary took all the Slovakian regions (which they later freed) and Czech Republic remained free.

Norway conquered Finland and Russia, while Sweden conquered Denmark, Germany, and Poland (see below), which was the Peak of the Nordic Empire. Sweden negotiated the release of Poland and Denmark, and Germany was freed through Operation Burning Spirit. France and Italy split Switzerland, Romania tried to take over most of the World (including Ukraine, India, China, Indonesia, Iran, Russia, and about four hundred others), and France, Italy, and Hungary invaded Sweden and Poland to free the German regions captured in third Swedish-German war (yes, I said it right. Sweden cared enough to invade Germany three separate times).

Europe has been the hotspot for activity in Erepublik, outside of the South African Invasion (Indonesia, and later Brazil to block battles during the Romanian-Indonesian Conflict). Countries in the Med and FIST (discussed in volume 1) were largely supportive of the Indonesian Side of the war, whereas countries in the ATLANTIS regime (discussed in volume 2) were largely in support of Romania.

Germany was a more complex invasion (all three of them), but overall only a handful of Neutral Countries existed until the Asian introduction (Malaysia, Phillipines, and Singapore) and the South American Influence (Columbia, Peru, Paraguay, Uruguay, and Bolivia). The Czech Republic chose to follow Ireland's path after the invasion of Hungary, although it is slightly slanted towards ATLANTIS members (by whichever name they want to carry now).

Germany - How the Hell Did this get so far?

Germany is an odd case, and overall has alienated almost every country in the World one way or the other (not directly). Germany existed as a sovereign, free country for quite a long time in Erepublik's early days. When Germany allied with Indonesia, Sweden invaded (the first time). Sweden beat Germany back, and on the last days of the War, Sulla and Ziggy signed a peace agreement (which admins enforced, but it took them a while). Germany, later decided it was going to invade Poland, which it did (and won).

They didn't count on Poland to politically take them over after Popolo, the most outspoken Pole at the time, won Presidency. Popolo made an arrangement with Flammbar that they would invade Germany (which owned the Polish regions), and they would be allowed to conquer them all. He ruined Germany's economy a la Capelli King in Greece, and once the Freedom module came out Sweden would grant Poland it's independance.

Fast forward about a year, and Sweden was at it again. They invaded Germany (along with Poland, somewhat of a payback thing), and overtook it (mostly). Hungary, Italy, and France invaded Sweden and Poland to retake the regions that were captured, which were later given back to Germany (as well as protected by Hungary for a time after a Polish Takeover just before citizenship).

Confused Yet?

So, as you can see, our histories are rather complex, and I haven't even really covered the invasion of Argentina (and their subsequent move to PEACE), or the North American War (largely because it isn't done). Romania and Norway did Russia over pretty well, and relationships can't be much more complicated, can they?

Since this is getting to be a bit long, it'll stop now. I'll fill in gaps as I come to them in the next article, which will cover French Toast.
