[Alert] eCitizen of eMy BEWARE!!

Day 1,166, 21:27 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Zyleris

Red alert!!

I recently received this message. from Plato A

This is a fraud!!!
If you have received this, Do not respond to this message!

Report Alert

eRepublik Report Alert!

Attention user,

We are sorry to inform you that your account has been brought to our attention.Your account has been reported and needs to be investigated. Please fill out this form so we can verify whether you are innocent or guilty, if you disobey the eRepublik team then we will immediately ban your account.

Citizen Name:


Verify passwor😛

Email Address:

Date of Birth: 00/00/00

Please notify that if you are reported once again we will have to ban you.

Copyright © 2007-2011 eRepublik, Inc. All Rights Reserved

Report number 8678 – 0988

Also, if you have received this kind of message asking for password and such, it is best that you report it to admin.