Day 1,198, 16:09 Published in Japan Japan by Ecka Stealer of Cows

Well, today the ULJ forums exploded with atomic bombs being dropped and DIO smiting people. The ugly scene has quieted, but the scars will probably never go away.

This is what the thread looked like.

Now is the time for us to forgive and forget. Lets do things for the good of Japan and leave pride behind.

On that note, I would like to buy anyone who was injured in the fight a Q1 bread. WHAT???? FREE?!!

In the end, the loli PP has set Squibeel as the endorsed candidate. I do not know what the future looks like for the party. We obviously need to be more serious on the issues facing our fine nation. This will allow us to avoid future criticism.

Now you may be asking, why is there Frenchspeek in the title of this article and who is the blond woman in these pictures?

French is in the article because the blond woman is my waifu. After our mobile forces helped aid France in its time of need, I brought back a woman to further our diplomatic relations. OF COURSE!! THAT MAKES SENSE!!

Her name is Charlotte Dunoa.

We met on the battle field, fighting a common enemy. At first she said her name was Charles. We bonded and eventually she revealed the truth to me.

She was really female!
Who would have guessed that was going to happen?

My waifu is proof of the benefits of helping our allies in PANAM.
I call on the next president to help more nations in their fights.
Currently, we are aiding eUSA, so let us hope that we can take some women back home with us.

Lets go get more women! Or men, for you man lovers.
Oops, I meant to say more positive diplomatic relations.

Well, that's it.