[AG] eCanadian Finances Audit - Day 1155

Day 1,157, 09:45 Published in Canada Canada by Luke Peters

As I write my report following this, the first audit of eCanada’s finances, I must stress that the complete picture will never be gathered of this country’s finances until there is some more responsibility taken in each organization’s case for recording the incomes for their organizations, whether from the government or an independent source. If expenditure is recorded, but the income that funded it is not, then there will be variances throughout the audit.

This first audit is based on the collective finances of 31 organizations spread through the various agencies of eCanada. 9 organizations are used by the government, 13 are organizations used by the Canadian Armed Forces with one additional organization shared with the government, and the remaining 7 by the Crimson Order

A base-line audit was carried out on Sunday January 16, 2011 (Day 1,153) which pegged the government’s value at 2814.78 gold.

The audit made on Tuesday January 18, 2011 (Day 1,155) pegged the value at 4241,74 less 2080 frozen funds.

The full spreadsheet can be found at https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0AgUc2gXyNecrdEJ5ZHFwajc1dURCTENpY0dIbnQxR1E&hl=en&authkey=CMG9_OUP


In total, the value of the eCanadian government’s funds rose by 1426.96 gold in the two days between the baseline audit and the first full audit. This can be explained for two reasons. 1) Organizations that were not known of during the baseline audit were included in this first full audit and 2) Funds frozen due to in-game proposals requiring their use were not considered during the base-line audit.

The big movers in terms of value included the Treasury dropping by 821.33 gold (due to the frozen funds), Canadian National Defence rising by 230.04 gold and Revenue Canada which dropped by 80 gold.

Overall, CAF showed a variance of +17.53 gold, implying that they have 17.53 more gold than was expected. It is likely that this is the result of the Support a Platoon Program making a donation which was not recorded on any spreadsheet available to me. As a result of this, a message has been sent to all government ministers and CAF High Command stressing the importance that they record not only their expenditures but their receipts also.

Closing Comments

As there is no law requiring the release of this information, it has not been possible for me to gather the required information from The Crimson Order to know how much of their funds is government supplied and how much of what is spent is government supplied. Until such information is made available, I have assumed that all funds available in the TCO organizations have been government supplied in this and the base-line audit. When the information is made available these figures will be revised in future audits.