[Ad4CP] A Riposte and Some Final Thoughts

Day 2,633, 12:22 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Addaway

So I’ve have had some criticism levelled at me, with the main argument that was raised (aside from VG’s hilarious attempt to smear me as a multi user) is that I have ‘no real ideas of my own’, and that intend to just let others do all the work.

That couldn’t be further from the truth- I just don’t pretend to be something that I’m not.

A lot of CP candidates love to write articles about how great they’re going to be, in an effort to bullsh*t their way to the big chair, and a fair amount of these CPs usually end up not being able to reach the bar they’ve set themselves as a result.

The fact is, when it comes to Foreign Affairs, yeah I’ve been around the discussion within government and I have a good idea of where we stand in the grand scheme of things; but that doesn’t mean that I can come in and take over our entire FA policy- because a lot of it relies on the personal relationships and contacts that SerF has built up over the past few months.

It would be entirely foolish to pretend that I could seamlessly take over that on my own, so thats why I’ve asked SerF to continue his integral role to our Foreign Policy. But at the end of the day I’d be the CP, so to say that I wouldn’t be completely involved with our Foreign Affairs is silly- that’s a key part of a CPs job and goes without saying. Its just that I won’t be attempting to forge our entire position, as some CPs have tried to do before. A good CP needs to recognise areas where another may know better than him and make sure he has them involved and is listening to their opinions.

The other reason why I haven’t crammed my manifesto with policy ideas (as I have done in previous runs) is because I don’t believe that a government should be about the CP imposing all of his ideas and expecting his ministers to carry it all out. Should I win tomorrow, the first day or so will be finding out how my cabinet want to run their departments and what initiatives they want to pursue, and we can discuss potential funding for any projects they may have. Obviously, I’ll be chipping in with my own ideas and policies. I just don’t put them as promises in my manifesto because I don’t know for sure whether they’ll happen. It’s as simple as that.

Accusing me of being some guy that likes to sit around and let others do the work is frankly ridiculous.

So unlike my opponent, I’m not going to just copy parts of a previous manifesto and hash it together with generic descriptions of each ministry’s role and try and pass it off as a manifesto.

If you really want to criticise me for not wanting to change everything then fine… but at least I’m not pretending to be something I’m not.

So I hope come tomorrow when you reach for the vote button that you'll consider me and my merry band of ministers, and help us keep the eUK strong and on the right path.

Have a nice evening.
