[ACP] Where we're at...

Day 1,794, 05:49 Published in Australia Australia by AugustusX

Since the ACP's creation under our President Chris Carnage, the ACP has been busy laying out our foundations. These include our manifesto, whilst will be finalised and released in the coming days, our party structure, as will be explained, and the increase of our numbers by DOUBLE in the past few days!

The ACP has finalised it's party structure to the following:

"Chairman (PP)- The Chairman is the PP of the party, elected in game or due to unfortunate circumstances of PTO, an in game voted PP will be sworn in. The Chairman will act as leader of the party, and leader of the Revolutionary Committee. They may remove or add Commissars at will from the Revolutionary Committee/Politburo. However, the Revolutionary Committee/Politburo is above even the Chairman and cannot not be removed without a majority vote on the forum by all comrades.

Revolutionary Committee/Politburo- The Politburo will act as the internal cabinet of the Australian Communist Party. The positions within the Politburo will be the following: Chairman, Secretary, Commissar of the Soviet and Commissar of Party Relations.

Secretary- The Secretary is essentially the second in command, or the vPP. They will do all delegated tasks given by the Chairman, and assist Commissars in their duties.

Commissar of the Soviet- This person will be leader of the ACP Senate, or Soviet. He/she will run the ACP senate elections and if ACP members are elected, they will act as the Speaker of the Soviet.

Commissar of Public Relations: This person is in charge of propaganda/informative articles, recruitment articles and just general recruitment of members to the party. This position is essential to the growth of the party.

Deputies- Commissars, Secretary or Chairman if they see fit, can appoint added Deputies to help with the workload.

Soviet - If any member of the ACP is elected to congress, a soviet will be formed where the membership have the opportunity to debate and vote on the congressional voting stance of the ACP for legislation before the eAustralian Senate. Once the Soviet has determined a voting position it is the obligation of all ACP members of Congress to vote according to the will of the members. Our solidarity is our strength, united we shall not be defeated."

Further to this, the ACP has finalised positions for the politburo to the following positions:

Party President and Chair - Comrade Chris Carnage
Vice Party President and Secretary - Comrade Callumh123
Commissar of the Soviet - Comrade Flatty
Commissar of Public Relations - Comrade Diablo101

We are still searching for more members to help make up the rest of the party structure and candidates to help us reach our revolutionary goals! This could be you! Help to be a founding revolutionary by signing up here today! There will be more updates as the ACP grows and completes it construction process.

Join the Australian Communist Party
Join us on IRC at #auscommie
Join us on the eAustralian forums (request membership of the ACP member group)


General Secretary of the ACP
Commissar of the Soviet
Minister for Defence