[ACP/Spaceballs] God Loves Dead Soldiers

Day 1,240, 15:29 Published in USA Canada by Nomos Laboratories

[ACP/Spaceballs] God Loves Dead Soldiers

This is Pizza the Hut saying, "Join the Amerikkkan Conservative Party, or else."
"Or else what?", you ask.

Or else Pizza is gonna send out for you! Bwaahahaha!

If you uphold the following great all-American values, then join the ACP today!...

* Loyalty to the Supreme Leader, which is, of course, me: Pizza the Hut. I am both our glorious Party leader and the glorious General of our glorious militia.

* Calling everybody who stands in my our way "communists" and other bad words. If you can't tell the difference between a democratic-socialist, an anarchist, a situationist, an autonomous marxist, an auto mechanic, an open-minded Republican, a librarian, and a Stalinist, then the ACP is the place for you!

* Putting pictures of Great Teacher-Leader Ronald Reagan everywhere to demonstrate your loyalty.

* Stalking women. Trust me, it's fun! Besides, they're all communists anyway.

* Despising foreigners. America was built for Italians, by Italians. Everybody knows that.

* Making sweet promises to moppets. If you join the ACP, I'll give you a nice uniform to wear and you can stay up late and play all the fantasy games you want to!

SPECIAL ALERT! Socialist Freedom Party member and henchman of President Emerick, Tron O'Sullivan, has revealed to me their support of, yes: Communism! Apparently according to this individual, Communism works and Vermont is a great example of it! Ha! Anyone who thinks that an oppressive dictatorship with a murderous thug like Nelson Mandela in charge is an example of Communism being a successful system is not fit for any position, real or imaginary. These comments were absolutely shocking and sickening. You cannot be a sane individual and believe that Communism is a good thing. Tell that to the 99,939,291 billion people who have been touched in private places due to the evils of this system!

There is only one, true way to rid America of the evil and corruption brought about the communists in the five top parties, the Socialist Freedom Party and the other sixth parties, not to mention the constipation of eating to much pizza: Join with me in a Great Purge led by your glorious Supreme Leader (me).

PM me, Pizza the Hut, for some free Gold to help you get started. I am also adept at finding ways to get US citizenship for Hungarians and Serbs. They've been so misunderstood and they really just want to be great Ajay-Americans. Serb brothers, contact me ASAP for assistance.

Look, I'm already famous. Check it out, there's even an internet meme named after me! Yes, it's true! So if you want to Ajay Bruno the eUSA, then obviously I'm you're man: Ajay Bruno, er Fred Phelps, er no, Pizza the Hut.

Sure, I got banned for using multis and returned, well, several times. And then there's those absurd real-life news articles about my delusional behavior that seemed to go on and on about my quirky hobbies. And yes, people have warned conservative ladies about friending me on FB.

And of course there's this history of all the ways I betrayed e-America -- and a number of other e-countries -- in-game and this other one that lists all the background on me.

But you can trust me now. I mean, really, just because a RL journalist once asked about me: "Who is behind your campaign of lies and misinformation?", does that mean you shouldn't trust me?

Besides, I know lots of stuff, like I can show you how to divert attention from your own misdeeds by using super-deadly trolling techniques like posting "FAIL" as a comment and stuff.

Watch out for Communist Bewbs!