[AC] Donation and raise of OmniFund

Day 799, 12:19 Published in Malaysia Cyprus by OmniCorp Holding

Greetings to everyone!

Today I would like to announce two important things.

First: the old-new congress members of Adeptus Custodes decided to donate 1 gold from their congress medal awards to the Central Bank of Malaysia, and an additional 5 gold penalty for failing to stop Shunta get his seat.

„You have successfully donated 10 GOLD. This amount will appear shortly in the citizen/organization account.” – day 799 11:49 Erep time

Secon😛 OmniCorp decided to raise a new foundation: OmniFund

This foundation will collect left-over small amounts of money in any national currency and change it to gold in order to utilize it when the military situation of eMalaysia needs it.

- the money will be granted to the best eMalaysian soldiers available at the time of need
- money will be issued when the Government sees the situation grim enough or if the official sources for TDM and other military units dried out

So if any of you possess small amounts of national currencies (for example 1.23 ZAR), do not hesitate: donate it to help this Fund fulfill it’s duty!