[存在感系列报]a story 讲个故事(english included)

Day 1,354, 12:51 Published in China USA by TigerG

大家好, 我是存在感, 我被你刷到了。

三更半夜的, 没什么事儿干, 给大家讲个故事吧 (不是鬼故事啦)。

从前, 有一对父子, 牵着一头驴在路上走着。 这时, 路人看见了就 纷纷说: “你看这父子, 多笨啊, 有驴不骑?” 这一对父子听见了, 就觉得自己的确笨, 那么父亲就让儿子骑上了这头驴, 毕竟父母嘛, 有什么好的 都给孩子嘛。 过一段时间, 又有路人看见这一对父子, 便议论到: “你看这儿子, 自己骑着驴, 让他父亲走路, 一点都不懂孝心, 真不知道这儿子怎么回事儿。” 那父子听见了, 便觉得的确不妥, 那就换一下吧, 这次儿子下来走路, 父亲骑上了驴。 走着走着, 旁边看见这情景的路人又讨论起这父子两了, 说到:“你看这父亲啊, 怎么这个样子啊, 一点都不关心他儿子, 就这样一个人风风光光的骑着驴? 也不知道照顾他儿子啊!” 这父子听到了, 就觉得这事儿的确左右为难, 那就干脆两人都骑上来吧, 这次应该没人说什么了吧。 等过了一段时间, 一大群人走进了这父子2人, 对他们大吵大嚷的说到: “你们这父子怎么能这样啊, 一点同情心都没有!? 两人骑一头驴? 简直是在虐待动物!”

那大家说, 这驴是骑还是不骑? 要骑的话, 又要怎么个骑法呢?

故事就讲到这儿。 我希望大家能从中得到一点启发。 毕竟, 没有那头驴的路人们 是不会太清楚那头驴到底为什么先开始没有被骑, 或者那头驴到底强不强壮, 能不能两人骑。 那么如果那父子两下次再去牵驴的时候, 可能就又会有人说了, 说: “又去牵驴了啊, 不知道会不会又去两人都骑, 虐待那可怜的生物了啊!” 连这头驴这次的身体状况是什么样的 可能那些路人都不会也不想去弄清楚吧。

另: 今天总统大选, 记得投票啊, 有经验的。 另外我上篇文章都露点了, 居然至今没有被删, 不过才5天, 所以今天我那福利还是算了吧, 低调点好~~~

谢谢阅读。 下面就是英文翻译了, 后面没图,没面包, 对不住了。 请到左上角去vote, 要comment的到下面去写吧。

English version:

I'm bored right now, so I'll tell you all a story.

One day, there's a father and a son walking with a donkey. Someone saw this and sai😛 "how stupid, they have a donkey and they don't even ride it." The father and son heard it, and the father told the son to ride it, 'cause as a parent, he always gives the best to his kid. Then, as they walk, another person said to them: "what? what kind of son rides a donkey and let his father walk? Does he not know how to respect his elders?" The father and son heard it, then thought it was indeed not proper, so they switched, letting the father ride the donkey and the son walk. After awhile, some other guy yelled to them: "look at that father, such a father he is, that he let his kid walk and himself enjoying the donkey ride. Does he know no love for his kid?" The two family members heard it again, and thought it is indeed a troublesome matter, so they decided to ride the donkey together. They thought that finally no one would make any rude comments about this affair. But not too long after, a group of people showed up around them and was angry that both of them are riding the donkey: "how dare you both ride this poor donkey? do you not care for any other living creatures? this is animal cruelty!"

So, what should the father and the son do with the donkey? Ride it or not, and how to ride it? that is the question.

So, I hope that this story has brought you some insights on everyday life. and I hope that as someone without a donkey, we would not judge others easily.

P.S. today is the CP's election in erep. make sure you vote, you get some exp for voting too.

Thanks for reading. vote if you like this story 😉