[存在感系列报] a question 问个问题啊

Day 1,375, 21:10 Published in China USA by TigerG

各位大哥大嫂们, 在此小弟有个问题:

最近50%升级活动快完了, 我很郁闷的说。 我现在有一个q2武器厂, 2个q1面包厂, 我只有25g, 我是把那个武器厂弄成q3呢? 还是把2个面包厂弄成q2呢???

我现在很为难的说。 请大家帮我出出主意。。。。
(哎, 没钱就是什么都不行啊。 想当年, 俺要是好好读书, 就会懂经济啥的了。。。。)


I now have a question: right now, there's a 50% upgrade cost thing going on, and I have 1 q2 weapon factory, 2 q1 bread factory, and 25g.

I was wondering if i should upgrade to a q3 weapon factory or have all 3 factories be at q2?

please help me figure it out.....

here's something as a thank you note for answering my question:

小抱怨一下: 85啊, 85, 你怎么这么没有存在感呢? 就连ec的存在感也被搞没了。。。。